The reverse gear linkage would be attached to the transmission, not the transfer case.
No. In most vehicles reverse is also high gear, on automatics.
Manual or Automatic?? In either case, most likely the linkage. Manual, might be the syncronizer gear or low on lubricant.
The linkage could be bad.
usually a linkage problem - adjust linkage that connects transmission to gear shift
I would look on the transmission by the gear shift linkage.
Your gear linkage is offset!! Or you are on a steep down hill
The linkage that connects the shift lever to the transmission could be out of adjustment or the reverse gear in the transmission itself could be bad. Usually it's the linkage.
Check your shift linkage as one linkage is for low . another for high and reverse .
possibly a bad linkage between your shifter and your transmission, if that's not the problem its the reverse gear in your transmission
Yes. Transmission in park or in gear, and transfer case in neutral.Yes. Transmission in park or in gear, and transfer case in neutral.
Check the shift linkage to see if it is loose , and has gotten out of adjustment . Unhook both the high /reverse linkage and the low linkage . See if you can shift it out of gear with a pair of pliers . Then see if you can get it in high and reverse . If you can then adjust the linkage .