It is an acronym for Low Pour Fuel Oil. Low Pour Fuel oil is a fraction obtained from petroleum distillation.
Low Pour Fuel oil is made of long hydrocarbon chains, particularly aromatics, alkanes and cycloalkanes.
Approximately 1.27 metric tons of Low Pour Fuel Oil (LPFO) is equivalent to 1,000 liters.
It depends on which LPFO you are talking about. This is because the density of the product determines its weight. For Nigerian LPFO, available from Nigerian Oil Services, the specific gravity of this D6, low pour fuel oil is about .9189 - .8397. That means it is lighter than water so it takes more of it to make a metric tonne. There 1000 liters of water in a metric tonne so you would divide 1000 by .85 (average) and you get about 1176 liters in a metric tonne for Nigerian LPFO. You can use this same formula if you have the specific gravity of the fuel you are trying to buy. I am assuming by the word tonne you meant metric ton because that is how it is sold, by the MT.
For an effecient and timely delivery of high quality standard petroleum products AGO DPK PMS LPFO CONDENSED FUEL within 24 hours of placing your order at prices much lower than depot prices in trucks and smaller quantities to homes, corporate bodies and institutions . Please contact jades oil services we have our offices located at Lagos , Abuja ,Porthacourt and Benin. Contact us at You happen to be one call away from the products u need so much.