6.75 hp equals 283.5 cc
About 15HP
You need to know the cubic inch not hp to convert to cc.
the cubic centimeters of 6.5 horse power is 175 cc
There is no set relationship between cc and hp. there are many factors that influence it, such as fuel type, compression ration and ignition temperature.
you can't calculate the HP of a car by CC's. there's too many factors. you can always run it on a dynomo.
kia shuma,spectra,sephia has 3 types of engines 1-1500 cc injection 87 hp 2-1600 cc injection 100 hp 3-1800 cc injection 113 hp all of them run on petrol none of them is deasel
Around 4/5 hp.
Its relative to the efficiency of the engine per cubic centimetre. in other words, you're asking the wrong question.