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Normally, NO, but..... Insurance should be a fairly simple contract - you suffer the loss, you agree to the dollar amount of that loss, they pay you based on the term of your policy. IF you wanted to take the money and demolish the house, that should be your right. However - most insurance contracts today have two values - the depreciated value is what you get if you don't fix it -- the full value is what you get after the repairs are complete. These are rough and tough round numbers, but just as an example... if you had a $100,000 loss.... the company might offer you $50,000 as a depreciated value, and you wouldn't see the rest of your money until the property was repaired and inspected. There are tons of other ways they can devalue what you receive as a settlement - for example if you over-insure and do not have replacement cost coverage, they'll reduce your pay-out roughly by the percentage they claim you are over-insured. Most of the time - we recommend that you hire your own private adjuster/appraiser and do NOT accept the insurance company's first offer. It's your right to do so and most people would do much better if they have the time to go through the entire process of negotiation - vs. just having to take their insurance company's lowball offer.

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Q: What if the repair costs are less than the insurance claim money--do you have to send the difference back to the insurance company?
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First, call your insurance company to confirm what their protocol is. You will either need to get a few estimates from auto body repair shops, an insurance adjuster will estimate your damages or both. Once you have the proper estimates, you can submit the bill to your insurance company.

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this depends. if you say have an accident with your car and it is your fault you will have to repair your car and repair another car that you may of hit. however it you buy insurance from an insurance company then the company pays for it.but there are many different types of insurance so i would recommend a company like ISelect which asks you a phew question about the insurance you want and they choose the best insurance deal for you.

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If your insurance company is offering auto repair insurance, you have the option of taking your vehicle to your own mechanic. Taking your vehicle to a personal mechanic rather than one chosen by your insurance company eliminates the doubts.

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No!! It's not the insurance that tells you how to fix your car, it is you who has the legal right to tell the insurance company. I learned this the hard way!

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it usually matters what type of insurance u have and what company u r working with

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Yes, insurance companies can pay less than the repair claim if they determine that the initial estimate was too high or if their policy limits the coverage amount. In some cases, they may negotiate with the repair shop or offer a cash settlement instead of paying the full claim amount. It's important to review your insurance policy to understand your coverage and rights.

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