Mack cyclinder head
saftey feature, check the antifreeze.
The Mack AC truck has an engine capacity of 11L. The Mack Trucks produced fire apparatuses from 1911 until 1990.
A Mack truck with a gold bulldog indicates the entire truck is made solely of Mack components. Trucks with another manufacturer's transmission, engine, rear axles or suspension are given the silver emblem.
It's typically a bolt bolted into the floor under the accelerator pedal.
Worn piston rings.
I have not heard of any common electrical problems, you can check with Mack trucks for technical service bulletins on your specific model.
Need to know which engine you have. The Mack engines (E6, E7, and E9) and Cummins engines (L10, M11, N14, ISL, ISM, and ISX) were available in these trucks.
Need to know the year, and also what model of engine.. Macks are available either with Mack or Cummins engines.
In 1980, Mack made several models of truck, including conventional and cab-over-engine models. The weight will depend on a number of factors, and knowing the model as well as the make is necessary to get a ballpark figure.
At a Mack Trucks dealership.
Mack truck engine technicians are specially trained by the company to service and repair Mack engines. There is no "playing around." If you' re interested in becoming a Mack truck professional, go to At the very bottom of the page below the main graphics, click on TRAINING. You can also email Volvo owns Mack.