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Technically they can do what ever they want and or think they can get away with. The condition that typically arises is that when you are canceled while a claim is open you will personally be held responsible for any repairs that have already been authorized. (remember that disclaimer you had to sign stating just that?) then to compound matters, no other insurance company will touch you while you have an open claim. Your mortgage company, assuming you do not own outright, will have an acceleration clause in your mortgage contract that kicks in when a non insured condition occurs and they have to append their own expensive coverage. Pretty bummed out yet? There is one avenue of recourse... If you have the resources to retain an attorney, you can sue the insurance company. Once the mortgage company sends you their notice, you now have authentic and easily verifiable damages. Keeping in mind that insurance companies have deep pockets and are in the business of fighting legal battles on a daily basis they have the ability to wear you down and know this very well. Shoot for an immediate injunction staying the cancellation until the repairs can be completed. Being honest, this is a shot in the dark but a sympathetic judge may help you. Please post your outcome so as to help others.

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Q: Can insurance company cancel a policy when a claim is still open?
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I had a house fire last year and my insurance company dropped me after the claim Can my girlfriend purchase a homeowners insurance policy and claim that she has never had a canceled policy?

She can buy a new policy all day long and claim she had never had a policy cancel if: 1. She is the only person on the deed to the house. 2. She never had a policy cancel.

Can your auto insurance company cancel your insurance while you have an open claim?

Yes, your claim is based on the date that it happens so it's more important for you policy to be in force on that day.

Can a home policy be cancelled with pending claim?

Yes, it happens all the time. The homeowner can cancel the policy at any time or the company might cancel for various reasons outlined in the policy (insurance contract) you signed. Either party, the insured, or the company, could cancel the policy, However if it is a choice of the homeowner, it would be best to maintain the policy as is untill the claim is resolved. You want to remember that once you cancel your policy. You will no longer have an agent in that company to advocate on your behalf.

Will an insurance company pay a claim that occurred during a covered period if you cancel the policy?

Yes, So long as the policy was not already canceled at the time of the loss.

Can an insurance company cancel policy for late payment after a claim is filed?

You bet. See, it works like this ... you pay for a service (insurance coverage) ... as long as you keep paying on time, you have coverage. One thing you don't want to ever do is make a late payment while a claim is being handled ... the insurance company thinks you are no longer interested in having them provide insurance coverage, and cancels your policy. Some insurance companies automatically cancel anybody for filing an accident claim.

After a claim can you still use your insurance policy?

An insurance policy should still remain valid for the remaining term following a claim providing that the claim is such that it does not require the insurer to cancel the policy. You should check with your insurer.

If you report a claim to your insurance company can you cancel it if the damage is not worth fixing?


Will an insurance provider that offers cheap rates cancel your policy if you have to submit a claim?

Some insurance policies have no tolerance for accidents and may cancel your policy after your first claim. Others, like State Farm, will place you into a lower group with higher rates if you have an accident.

If within a few months of getting insurance you are diagnosed with hepatitis C and need a liver transplant can the insurance company cancel your policy?

No - an insurance company cannot cancel your policy or refuse to pay the claim, unless it can be proven that you were aware of this prior to obtaining the new insurance. They also cannot raise your premiums unless they raise everyone in your healthpool rates as well. A healthpool is a group of individuals who are in the same age range and insurance rating as you.

Can you change home insurance after a claim?

If you have filed a home insurance claim through your existing home insurance company, you do have the right to change insurance companies if you were unhappy with the service you were provided, or for any other reason. As long as you have coverage in place at the time of the claim, you can cancel your policy and bind coverage with another company. It is important to receive quotes and bind your coverage before cancelling your policy because some companies will not accept homeowners with claims on their claims history report.

How do you claim a life insurance policy?

In case of a claim, you are to intimate the insurance company who issued the policy , in writing or by mail. The Insurance company will provide you necessary forms for submission along with required papers/documents including the original policy bond,attested copy of Death Certificate etc. The insurance company may initiate inspection (which is optional) to verify the authenticity of the claim.

How do i cancel a homeowners insurance policy claim since it wasn't my fault?

You need to talk with your adjuster about the situation. The claims adjuster can allow you to withdraw the claim. I don't understand why you would file a claim, then want to withdraw it. If you have an agent, perhaps the agent can also assist you with the situation.