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Q: What happens to a car when the fuel pump doesnt work?
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Can the car work if the fuel pump doesn't work?

NO....if Fuel pump doesnt sent fuel to engine...engine cannot combust...

Why doesnt your fuel pump work on your 95 Saturn?

Blown fuse, defective fuel pump relay, or the pump itself is defective.

What would cause a new fuel pump not to run on a 2002 Chevy Suburban?

i know that sometimes when a fuel pump doesnt work its not the pump, but rather the fuel pump relay try checking that

The fuel gauge doesnt work on 1999 alero?

More than likely the float is bad on the fuel pump, so i would recommend that you change the fuel pump.

Will a fuel pump relay stop fuel pump from working?

If the fuel pump relay switch is bad then the fuel pump will not be turned on. Think of the relay like a light switch. If the switch has a bad connection then the light doesnt work.

If fuel gauge on 1994 b3000 doesnt work is the switch in the fuel pump Is fuel pump located inside gas tank?

The sending unit is located on the fuel pump which is located inside the gas tank.

Why doesnt your fuel gauge work after replacing the fuel pump on a 1997 Buick lesabra?

loose connector, broken wire, bad sending unit on the pump, etc

If fuel pump relay is bad will fuel pump still work?

If the relay is bad, then the fuel pump will not work.

Just installed fuel pump on 1969 Ford F100 why doesnt it work?

The input line and output line might be in opposite positions on the new pump. Switch the fuel lines and see if that works.

What happens if you put gasoline in a diesel?

well what happens is the engine doesn't work no more. Also you will have to replace the fuel pump.

1997 Pontiac transport Why wont your fuel pump work New fuel pump relay and power to the pump but it still does not work?

Bad fuel pump?

Does a bad fuel pump relay switch stop fuel flow?

yes, replace the relay then check for power, if it doesnt work take out the pump and check it manually by connecting the lead and ground to a battery(watch for sparks, it can ignite the gas in the pump). replace pump if necessary