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so they can pay for injuries and damage

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Q: What does the state require driver's to be financially responsible for?
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No, CO is a separate property state. The only way you can be responsible is if you signed any documents of financially responsibility.

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Who is reesponsible for a 19 year old in new york state?

the age of majority in new york state is 18, however parents are financially responsible until 21

Is the 21 year old father's family financially responsible for a 17 year old pregnant girl in state of Illinois?

No, they have no control over a 21 year old son and are not responsible.

Does New York state require you to take a drivers test when moving from another state?

No. A license from one state is good in any other state.

Who is financially responsible for an 18 year old unemancipated but not living with either parent?

Typically, parents are financially responsible for their children until they reach the age of majority, which is 18 in most places. However, in certain cases, legal guardians or the state may also become financially responsible for the minor if the parents are unable or unwilling to fulfill that responsibility.

Is there an age in New York State that a child is financially responsible for themselves?

{| |- | That would be the age of majority. In New York that is 18 years of age. After they child reaches 18, the parents are no longer responsible for them. |}