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Probably the second one, because the first could sue YOU for trying to make them pay for damages they didn't cause. Unless the second person is your friend who wouldn't talk about it and you never bring it up again or call the police on it.

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Q: What should you do if someone rear ended you and their insurance agreed to pay then before repairs are done someone else rear ends you and agrees to pay for all damages incurred out of pocket?
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What happens if you have no home insurance and someone falls and hurts themselves?

They could sue you for whatever damages, medical bills and pain and suffering, they incurred. They could, theoretically, take everything you have.

If you are driving someone else's car does your liability insurance pay repairs to the vehicle you are driving?

No, liability insurance is when there are injuries involved. If you are injured in an accident when someone else is driving your car, your liability insurance would cover your medical costs. Comprehensive and collision insurance on the car you were driving should pay for damages to the vehicle.

What does liability insurance protect against?

You can be sued for injuring someone, even unintentionally (as when someone gets hurt on your property). Then you are liable for damages. Liability insurance pays the damages if you lose a lawsuit.

If your car is hit and you have no insurance is the other person liable for damages?

If someone causes damages to your property, they are liable. This means, however that you have to deal with their insurance company directly, rather then your insurance company doing it for you.

Does landlord insurance cover car damages on property?

No, that's what car insurance is for. If someone hit your car, that person is the one liable for your damages, not the property owner where it was parked.

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When is liability insurance needed?

When you cause an accident that damages another vehicle or hurts someone

Will a insurance company pay for the damages done to your car by someone who stole it?

Insurance is supposed to return the car to the condition it was before it was stolen.

What if someone is driving your car and they get into an accident and get hurt and they do not have car insurance is the owners insurance responsible for medical for the injured driver and damages?

You guessed it!

Can a owner who is also a driver parked a vehicle and vehicle start rolling down claim from insurance co the payment for repairs?

Yes, if you have collision insurance. It would be a collision claim and you would have to pay what your collision deductible is. If your car caused damage to someone else's vehicle or property, you would also be liable for the damages.

If you hit someone in an accident does your insurance pay for the repairs?

If you hit someone in a car accident and you have auto insurance even if they don't your insurance will cover repairing both automobiles.This is why you carry insurance. You will not be charged anything for the repairs to the other persons automobile.It is always best to let the insurance pay for it! It beats the other party suing you, that can get ral ugly and make your insurance go way up if you loose.

If someone throws a rock at and damages your car is this covered by comprehensive or collision insurance?

Neither. A rock hitting you're car is a minor damage and isn't handled by insurance companies. If a grown person does it you could file vandalism and demand the money for repairs. If it is a minor, 4-12, the damage stays and you really can't do much about it.