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Yes. Lumbago, which is saying Low Back pain can be caused by a car accident. It is typically ICD code 724.2 lumbago for Chronic instead of acute pain.

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Q: Can lumbago be caused by rear end auto accident?
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Why do people file a lawsuit after being hit from behind in an auto accident?

Because the person who hit them is at fault and with rear end accident there is usually medical bills and pain involved with the people who were hit. They have the right to sue to recover from the accident.

Can a rear end accident cause the rear wheel bearing to go bad?

no.not if its a car accident

Who is at fault if car 1 rear ends car 2 because car 3 caused car 2 to slam on the brakes?

Car 1 is at Fault in any REAR END ACCIDENT- Following to close, Failure to stop within a clear distance.

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no.not if its a car accident

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Reasons to Hire Legal Representation Following a Rear End Accident?

For most drivers, getting into a small rear end accident is an inevitability and is something that will happen a few times throughout their lives. While a typical rear end accident is routine, some of the aftermath following the accident could get out of hand, and require a driver to hire legal representation. While hiring legal representation can be expensive, there are several reasons to hire an attorney following a rear end accident. The first situation when you should hire legal representation following a rear end accident is if you are being sued. While most rear end accidents are simple, with nothing more than some car damage, others can have additional damage and lead to more formal legal proceedings. If you are being sued because of the accident, hiring legal representation would become a necessity. The attorney that is hired will do whatever they can to avoid taking your case to court. However, if the case does come to small claims court, the attorney will formulate your case and defend you against the plaintiff's attorney. The second situation when you should hire legal representation following a rear end accident is if your auto insurance provider is not willing to cover the accident. Your auto insurance provider should be willing to cover the costs of repairing your vehicle as well as the other driver's vehicle if you are at fault. However, many auto insurance providers will first attempt to deny the claim in an attempt to save money. If your claim is denied, your legal representation should be able to write a letter to the auto insurance provider explaining why your claim should be approved. If the claim is still not approved, the attorney could represent you in a lawsuit against the insurance company. The third situation when you should hire legal representation following a rear end accident is if you are facing criminal charges. Depending on the rear end accident, legal charges could occur. If you were intoxicated or driving on a suspended license, there is a good chance that you could face severe penalties including loss of driving privileges, significant fees, or even imprisonment. An attorney could help you out by explaining you your rights, negotiating a plea bargain and a reduced fine or sentence, or defending you in court.

Will my insurance rates go up if I rear end someone and only my car is damaged and I make a claim to my insurance company to fix it?

Very likely yes. This is especially true since you are at-fault for the accident. (meaning you caused the accident). Some insurance companies reward loyalty and may have "accident forgiveness" program if you have been a long time customer with them.

If you receive a ticket for being illegally parked which caused someone to rear end you at night are you responsible?

Yes. The car created a traffic hazard. The person who parked the car is responsible for any accident that occurred as a result.

Is there a min amount of money pay out for a rear end shunt that was not your fault?

No. Your payment in any case is dependent on your actual damage. Having an auto accident is not like hitting the lottery but it is only meant to pay to put you back to where you were as best they can.

The rear hatch window does not always go up on a 98 1500?

It might be caused by weak or worn out gas struts on either side of the window. You could probably get them at any auto parts store.

What is it called when you hurt your neck fastly?

Whiplash, if struck from the rear in a car accident

Why Hire an Auto Accident Lawyer?

In most cases, an accident is just a minor fender bender. Even when it is not, advances in modern technology have allowed for cars to be safer than ever. Between insurance and the safety of modern automobile design, it is often the case that in an accident, none of the passengers suffers anything worse than a good scare and a few days of looking around for a new vehicle. Unfortunately, in some cases even the finest constructed cars with the safest design features cannot prevent serious injury. This is especially the case with those injured by drunk drivers, speeders, and other persons who were not obeying the laws of the road when they caused an accident. The high speeds of such accidents often result in crippling or debilitating injuries, and though trauma treatment and therapy has improved by leaps and bounds, people still often suffer lifetime disabilities after a nasty auto accident. This is the primary reason people hire an auto accident lawyer. Since many people are harmed in auto accidents that are not their fault, they seek legal recourse to pay for trauma and emotional harm inherent in such nasty collisions. It is not unusual for medical expenses from a nasty crash to be considerable, and this is often compounded by the fact that the victim must take unpaid leave while they recover. Auto accident lawyers are experts in understanding how car crashes occur and what is involved in them, as well as who is at fault and who deserves to be compensated. Auto accident lawyers aren’t just for those who have experienced a particularly nasty crash. It is not unusual for persons in low-speed, rear-end collisions to suffer what is know as whiplash, a painful spinal injury which occurs when the head is snapped back or snapped forward due to a small impact. Many auto accident lawyers also special in poor automobile design, helping their clients to sue major auto manufacturers when a car behaves strangely or fails to protect the passengers as intended. Anyone who has had a crash and needs medical attention afterward should consider contacting an auto accident lawyer, since such lawyers can often help a victim pay or defray the costs of treatment.