Cartero means "postman." Check out google translate if you have any more you would like to figure out.
"Where does the cartero work?" "Donde trabaja el cartero?" Ans.: "El cartero trabaja en el correo." "The postman works at the post office."
gatero means 'frequented by cats' el cartero means 'mailman'
The cast of El cartero - 1954 includes: Eduardo Cobas Ricardo de Rosas Emilio Durante Tito Lusiardo Beatriz Taibo
what does domino mean in spanish
Antonia in spanish mean Flower or Flor in spanish
pensar = to think
It doesn't have any mean in spanish.
What does u mean the most in spanish
In Spanish it does not mean anything.
Beber mean to drink in Spanish
The cast of H2ombre - 2005 includes: Paco Sagarzazu as El Cartero
that is not spanish