

How does force affect speed?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Well force does affect as energy (Strength) of the wind/something forcing it pushes something forward and backwards like a hurricane.

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force and speed

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Because to apply speed you must apply force, so its not really the speed that helps a thing go farther, its the force applied to a thing.

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Centripetal acceleration is proportional to the square of the speed (a = v2/r). Therefore, according to Newton's Second Law, centripetal force is also proportional to the square of the speed.

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The surface wind speed has no effect on the Coriolis Force. The Coriolis Force is dependant on the rotation of Earth that has the effect on surface wind and not the other way around

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force hits the object and it changes it velocity or speed and its state of motion or rest , push or pull.

How does force affect speed of an object?

The relationship is given by Newton's Second Law. Briefly, a net force (an unbalanced force) will accelerate the object, that is, it will change its velocity.

What are factors that affect speed of a baseball?

mass and weight, wind, materials its made from, and force applied.