There still a lot of heat in the components of the engine, but the cooling system is not circulating coolant and no air is blowing past the engine. So just like the temperature of the turkey you take out of the oven keeps rising because of residual heat the temperature of the engine goes up for a little while after you turn it off.
When a car is turn off the water stops circulating, but heat is still being conducted from the warm engine into the water. Aslo warm water rises and the temperatue sender unit is usually placed near the op of the eingine. This causes the temp to rise slightly after turning the engine off
Could be because your engine if missfiring do to faulty spark plugs or the fuel injectors are dirty.Thats only a few things that might be wrong!
Yes, the heater uses and cools hot water from the engine that would otherwise have to be cooled in the radiator. But, this only works if there is enough water to circulate. If your engine is overheating from insufficient coolant, the heater won't be much help. Turning off the air conditioner will always help. The air pulled in the front grille passes over the hot AC condenser before it gets to the engine radiator. The AC compressor also puts a load on the engine, so turning it off will make less heat in the engine.
u turning it off
Car creaks and ticks after turning if off because the metals underneath(Chassis body)expands and contracts bcoz of the heat accumulated when running a car.Turning it off would slowly cool the engine and that's where the expansion/contraction occurs producing those sounds. Especially manifested by older vehicles.
The source of heat for the system is water/coolant from the radiator circulating through a heater core under the dash. Without the engine running and water circulating, there won't be any heat in the passenger compartment. There is residual heat after turning the engine off, but that won't last long. If the blower fan does not shut off, the resistor has failed.
generally , cranking an engine is done with igniton where turning is done by hand with the ignition off so as it will not start
Open windows and doors. Turning the heat off works too!!!
a bad starter
The Camry could have a vacuum leak. If there is a vacuum leak, then there can be a whistling sound until the vacuum system is full of air.
check ground wire on front of engine behind starter.
the computer is sensing heat soak. heat soak is when the csr heats up after the motor is turned off becase the water pump is not pumping coolant.