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All other things being equal, if the loss comes under the comprehensive coverage of her policy, and is not otherwise excluded, the insurer would pay $650.50; she would be required to pay $100. Keep in mind that comprehensive deductibles and collision deductibles are sometimes different. Therefore, it is important to be sure of which coverage is involved.

Glass claims are usually covered under the comprehensive coverage. Many States have statutes that prohibit insurers from applying the policy deductible to the repair or replacement of a windshield if that is what is involved. Therefore, the law of the State should be consulted.

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Q: Nancy has a 100 deductible on her comprehensive insurance policy If her car repairs total 750.50 how much would her insurance company pay on the repair of her car?
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Is insurance premium part of deductible?

The insurance premium is the amount you pay the insurance company every month. The insurance deductible is the set amount which you pay out of pocket for repairs after you make a claim. For example... you may pay $100 to the insurance company every month for the insurance policy and have a $500 deductible. If you file a claim you are expected to pay for $500 of the repairs yourself, while the insurance policy covers anything above that amount up to your max limits.

Had a collision other party fault can the ins co ask you to pay deductible?

If you had a collision and the other party does not have insurance, you would have to pay the deductible. Your insurance company would pay for any needed repairs.

What is comp auto insurance?

Comp, also referred to as comprehensive auto insurance coverage, is a form of coverage that is designed to pay to repair or replace your vehicle in certain situations. Covered scenarios that comprehensive auto insurance would pay include: theft, vandalism, fire, explosion, hail damage, wind damage, or hitting a live animal. The insurance company will pay up to the fair market value of your vehicle for repairs or replacing the vehicle. You will be responsible for paying your comprehensive deductible before the insurance company will payout.

What is a deductible in auto insurance?

A deductible in any kind of insurance is, basically, the minimum amount before the insurance "kicks in." On any repairs covered by your insurance, you will have to pay the deductible amount before the insurance will pay anything.

I had a single car accident with no injuries and just damage to my car. How do I proceed with my insurance company?

You call your insurance company and file a collision claim. You pay your collision deductible and they will set up repairs for your vehicle.

If someone hits your car and you have pl-pd insurance will their insurance cover your car if they were totally at fault?

Yes. eg: If you have pl/pd, the insurance won't pay for repairs for YOUR car if it is you fault, but they will pay the repairs for the other car There's the big problem of having only the required liability insurance. If you do not have comprehensive and collision, you may have to sue the at-fault driver to force his insurance carrier pay. If you have coverage of your own, you can file a claim with your agent and immediately collect the damages (less your deductible) and your company will sue his if necessary. If and when they win or receive a settlement, you will get your deductible back.

What can you do if you do not have the money for the deductible for your home owners insurance claim?

You can either borrow money or what to get the repairs done until you have your deductible.

Do you have to pay deductible if it was vandalism?

Whether you have to pay a deductible for vandalism on your insurance policy depends on the terms of your specific policy. Some policies have a separate deductible for vandalism, while others may waive the deductible for this type of claim. Check your policy documents or contact your insurance provider to determine if a deductible applies in your situation.

Do you pay a deductible if the accident was the other drivers fault and their insurance is paying for repairs?

Yes, you do.

How will the brake line repair cost impact my insurance rate?

The insurance wreck does not go up because of your accident to get repairs on your vehicle. Your insurance increasing only when you are at fault. If you weren't at fault then you pay the deductible and your insurance company would fight for you to get it repaired.

What does an auto glass repair company do?

An auto glass repair company repairs or replaces broken vehicle windows. Many insurance companies do not require a deductible be paid for the front windshield. Many glass repair companies will come right to your home or business to do the repairs.