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If you had a collision and the other party does not have insurance, you would have to pay the deductible. Your insurance company would pay for any needed repairs.

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Q: Had a collision other party fault can the ins co ask you to pay deductible?
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Who pays the deductible when the other person is at fault?

There is not deductible with liability insurance coverage. Liability pays the party who is not fault for their damages without a deductible. If you were at fault collision would pay for damages to your vehicle but you will have a deductible of whatever you selected when you purchased the insurance policy.

Who pays your deductible if the other person is at fault in Michigan no fault auto?

No fault insurance refers to injuries, not property damage. Being in a no fault state simply means that your injuries are payed for by your own insurance company regardless of who is at fault in an accident. Fault is still assigned for the purpose of determining who is responsible for property damage. It is always the at-fault party's responsibility for pay for the damage they cause to you. If you are going to have the damage for your car payed for under your collision coverage then you will have to initially pay for your deductible, unless you have broad-form collision. If you do pay your deductible then your insurance company will sue the at-fault party to recover the money that they payed to repair your car, as well as your deductible for you. This process is called subrogation.

Can you still collect on your own insurance without paying the deductible after an accident.?

If you have collision coverage on your vehicle you can collect from your insurance company for the damages. You will not have to pay the deductible if you were determined by the insurance company to not be at fault for the accident. They then go after the other insurance company to get the money they paid you back. If you do not carry collision coverage then you need to file with other insurance company, they will then decide who was at fault for the accident if their party was at fault they then pay you for the damages to your vehicle.

If you have PLPD and are involved in an accident does their insurance cover your car?

If the other party has insurance then their "property damage" coverage should cover damage to your vehicle. If you happen to be at fault or there is some question as to who is at fault then it might be hard to collect from their insurance company. Only if the other party is at fault. If you have collision insurance, you can file the claim with your own agent. Then you will be paid for your damages, less your deductible, and when your company collects from the other company you will also get your deductible. If you do not have collision, you will have to file your claim directly with the at-fault driver's insurance. If the company denies your claim (and unless there is very compelling evidence that their client was at fault, they will), you will have to sue the driver. Then, IF YOU WIN the lawsuit, their insurance will pay.

Which driver pays collision deductibles?

the owner/insured of the vehicle that has a collison claim is the one that pays/owes that deductible... deductibles only apply on your own vehicle repair...not the person's you hit (except for some commerical policys that have a deductible on their liabilty coverages) if you elect to use your coverage and another party is at fault, then some times they will 'front' the deductible (if liablity has been determined and they have accepted full liab.) or your company will subrogate then entire amount including your deductible from the at fault party once all repairs have been made...but assuming you are at fault or it was a hit and run and can't find other party and you are using your collison coverage, then you will owe your deductible

What does auto collision insurance mean?

Auto insurance consists of both liability insurance and physical damage coverage. Collision coverage is part of the physical damage section of an insurance policy and is designed to either repair or replace your vehicle if you are involved in an accident up to the fair market value of the vehicle. Collision will pay for both damages caused in an at-fault accident and damages caused in a not at-fault accident if the other party did not have insurance. If the other party did have insurance and they were responsible for the damages, the other party's liability insurance would pay for your vehicle damages through Property Damage coverage. You are responsible to pay for your collision deductible for at-fault accidents before a claims payout will be made.

Can you file a claim on both insurance companies yours and the party at fault in an auto accident?

Yes, you can. However, ultimately it is the at fault party's insurance company that will pay for the claim. In such a case, you will file a claim under your collision coverage and be subjected to the deductible. Once the claim is settled, your company will subrogate the loss with the other company(i.e. get reimbursed). Once that happens, you will be provided your deductible back. If you go through the at fault party's policy, you would file the claim under the property damage of the policy.

In a no fault state would you have to pay the other party's deductible?

No - each party pays their own deductable and everyone goes their separate ways. No Fault means just that "NO Fault" ... if nobody is at fault then it's like it never happened as far as trying to get the other party to pay your deductable.

If a pedestrian is found at fault for an accident involving a car can they be sued for an auto insurance deductible?

Yes, The at fault party is responsible.

If your parked car was hit and the at fault driver was found what options are available if both parties are insured and you have a 500 deductible?

All the damages will have to be paid by the other party's insurance company. Your deductible isn't applicable.

Who pays the deductible if someone hits your car?

The identified third party at fault is responsible for paying the deductible in the event of a motor vehicle accident.

Who pays the medical bills if you are involved in an auto accident where the at fault party has insurance and i was a passenger in car that was hit?

Most states require auto owners to maintain "no-fault" coverage; it is sometimes referred to as "Personal Injury Protection". It is a first-party coverage, which means that one maintains it for their own benefit. No-fault coverage pays a percentage of the medical expenses and lost wages sustained by an injured part in an auto collision, and benefits are payable irrespective of fault. That is, your own coverage pays benefits even if you caused the collision. Depending upon the state in which the policy is issues, a deductible of some amount may be allowed. A deductible is the amount which the insured is responsible for paying before insurance benefits are triggered. A similar coverage, which pays over and above no-fault is called "medical payments" coverage. An additional premium is charged for this because it is an optional coverage. It also is a first-party coverage which pays irrespective of fault.