If you have collision coverage on your vehicle you can collect from your insurance company for the damages. You will not have to pay the deductible if you were determined by the insurance company to not be At Fault for the accident. They then go after the other insurance company to get the money they paid you back. If you do not carry collision coverage then you need to file with other insurance company, they will then decide who was at fault for the accident if their party was at fault they then pay you for the damages to your vehicle.
There is not deductible with liability insurance coverage. Liability pays the party who is not fault for their damages without a deductible. If you were at fault collision would pay for damages to your vehicle but you will have a deductible of whatever you selected when you purchased the insurance policy.
Repair it make a planter out of it sell it for scrap Without collision insurance you are out of luck unless the accident was the other guys fault, in which case his insurance will pay you for the value of your car and collect the remains.
it depends on the company
It is never a good idea to drive without insurance as there are costly penalties if one is caught or involved in an accident. If one is in an accident without auto insurance, their options are limited but they may be able to sue the other driver if they are at fault.
Yes, it is illegal to drive without insurance or without having sufficient insurance in Arizona. You will have 30 days to provide proof of insurance following an accident.
yes you can with or without it
Probably. Check with your specific insurance company.
Absolutely. If someone hits you without insurance this coverage will pay to fix your vehicle with a small deductible. The company will then pursue the at fault party until all the losses are recovered and then send you back your deductible. Usually they have to collect payments for years to collect all the damages. If you don't have UMPD coverage you will have to do that yourself. UM is well worth the premium. As a matter of full disclosure, I own and operate a small Independent Insurance Agency and have for the part 22 years. Before that I worked as an agent for a direct writer insurance company.
Most insurance companies allow credit for the deductible met for services that actually incurred during the same calendar year. Call your new insurance company and find out if they allow the credit and what proof they require.
In California, the law is, if you in fact have an accident in California without insurance, and the dmv finds out about it, your license will be suspended for 1 year.
No, they must inform you of changes to the insurance contract. However, if they sent notice, they will usually have file information on when and where sent.