

What is a deductible in auto insurance?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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A deductible in any kind of insurance is, basically, the minimum amount before the insurance "kicks in." On any repairs covered by your insurance, you will have to pay the deductible amount before the insurance will pay anything.

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Q: What is a deductible in auto insurance?
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Is there a deductible on comprehensive auto insurance?

Yes. Most insurance companies do have a deductible for this kind of insurance. Most deductibles are 500. This can be a normal charge for a deductible.

Is there a deductible on comprehensive coverage auto insurance?

Usually there is a deductible on comprehensive coverage auto insurance. The deductible can range in different amounts usually from 0 to $1000 or even higher if it is a very expense vehicle.

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Insurance for one's personal property such as auto or homeowner's insurance is tax deductible. Other tax deductible insurances are medical and dental insurances.

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You do not pay a deductible for the car that you hit. Your liability coverage does not have a deductible.

Is there a deductible for tire vandalism with full coverage?

Yes, Your comprehensive deductible on your auto insurance policy applies.

Can you get your deductible back when your auto insurance is subrogating?

Yes. In many cases your insurance company may waive your deductible if the third party's insurance company accepts liability.

Are cracked windshields covered in Oregon and what is the deductible?

that depends on your auto insurance, not the state.

What kind of deductibles should I expect with cheap auto insurance?

The most popular deductible is $500. But with very cheap insurance you can look to have a $1000 deductible some times.

What is the average deductible for window and glass in auto insurance coverage?

The average deductible for window and glass in auto insurance coverage ranges anywhere from 0 to 500 dollars. There is no set number as all insurances have different payment schemes.

What is the collision deductible for in auto insurance?

You are able to chose your own deductible, but you have the car financed or leased, they may dictate the maximum limit.

Is there a deductible on liability auto insurance?

Not with respect to personal auto insurance. However, when commercial auto insurance is involved, especially fleet coverage, there sometimes is. It is not called a deductible, but a "self-insured retention". The insured selects an amount that it is willing to pay toward the indemnity of a third party before the insurer's obligation to pay is triggered.

What company offers cheap auto insurance that is also trustworthy? has cheap auto insurance and tips on how to find cheap auto insurance. Some tips are driving a used car that won't be that much to pay for insurance or raising up your deductible.