Yes. In many cases your insurance company may waive your deductible if the third party's insurance company accepts liability.
Your insurance owes you the value of the vehicle minus your deductible. If you owed the bank more than this, you are responsible for the excess.
If you were legally at fault, you are responsible to pay all damages to other vehicle. Even if you pay the other persons deductible, that insurance co. will come after you for total amount. The person that you gave the money to for their deductible will then have to give some of that back to insurance co., if they find out that deductible was given to him (her) by you.
Not a DIY job. Take it to a professional auto glass shop. Check with your insurance company, and see if this is covered under your policy. Lots of times it is with no deductible.
Not legally
The insurance company will pay you the worth of your car minus your deductible.
No, the reason is that there could have been an accident or any other situation. An auto insurance policy must be in force it cannot be back dated.
Yes. If someone hits your vehicle and the insurance company pays for the damages, they will go after the person who was at fault for the damages paid and after they collect all the money paid out they will reimburse you for the deductible that you paid when the vehicle was repaired. The damages were paid under your uninsured motorists coverage which has at least a $250 deductible for property damage so when all the damages are recovered from the person, that will include the deductible and you will get a check back for that amount.
If you have uninsured motorists coverage your insurance company will take the place of the other parties insurance coverage less a small deductible. They will then go after the other party to collect the amount of damages paid out plus your deductible. If and when it is all collected they will send you back your deductible. If your insurance company handles the claim for you and pays your damages you will have no further recourse as you sign over your legal rights to the insurance company under a subrigation agreement.
If you have collision coverage on your vehicle you can collect from your insurance company for the damages. You will not have to pay the deductible if you were determined by the insurance company to not be at fault for the accident. They then go after the other insurance company to get the money they paid you back. If you do not carry collision coverage then you need to file with other insurance company, they will then decide who was at fault for the accident if their party was at fault they then pay you for the damages to your vehicle.
I would suggest you first contact your auto insurance company. Most of the time glass replacement carries no deductible and your insurance will take car of it. Even if you have to pay for it yourself, I recommend you call an auto glass shop and have them install the new rear glass. The labor charge is not that much. Installing it yourself, is risky. If you break it, then you will be out the cost again. Not worth the risk. Pay a professional.
Unless you wish to may for replacement of the trailer out of your pocket in case of an accident then yes. Talk to the rental company and purchase the collision damage waiver coverage that they provide. Your liability insurance coverage will extend to the trailer so if you back it into a parked car at a gas station your auto insurance will pay for damage to the car you hit. Your auto policy will not pay for damage to the trailer itself. The rental company will have coverage for the trailer itself but your agreement most likely will specify the deductible that you are responsible for in case of damage. They will sell you a deductible damage waiver to cover this deductible for a few dollars per day extra. It is you decision but most likely you will have no coverage for this damage on your auto policy and you cannot add the trailer to your policy because you do not own the trailer.
Only if there were another vehicle involved. If for instance you back into a tree you wouldn't want to make a claim, unless the damage exceeded the deductible. Perhaps not even then.