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Only if there were another vehicle involved. If for instance you back into a tree you wouldn't want to make a claim, unless the damage exceeded the deductible. Perhaps not even then.

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Q: If the deductible is more than the damage do you have to go through your insurance company if you have a minor accident?
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In a two car accident who is responsible for the deductible?

If you are going through your own insurance, you are responsible for your collision deductible. If the other person is at fault, you can go through their insurance under their liability coverage so you do not have to pay a deductible.

If a truckdriver hits a car who pays the deductible the driver or the owner of the truck?

THE POLICY HOLDER, WHO IS USUALLY THE OWNER OF THE TRUCK IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEDUCTIBLE. If the truck driver is fully responsble for the accident, his insurance should pay for the damages to the car and there would be no deductible. If the car owner went through his coverage first to get repairs done, then the car owner is responsible for the deductible. Then the car owners insurance would go through subrugation to the truck drivers insurance to get full payment of the loss. When that is completed, the car owner would get his deductible returned to him.

If you have met the deductible with your insurance company for the year and you change insurance companies in the same year do you need to satisfy another deductible with the new insurance company?

Not necessarily. It depends on the "Plan Year". For example, if your plan has a calendar year of January 1 through December 31, and by September 15 you have met your deductible, the new insurance carrier would have to issue a Deductible Credit Transfer because you have already met the deductible for the plan year. However, if the new plan has a plan year that runs from September 1, through August 31, then by September 15, your plan has already started to run and the deductible after September 1 only is the amount you can apply. YES

What happens if a leased vehicle is in an accident?

If a leased vehicle is in an accident, the lessor has to notify the lease company, along with their insurance company. Sometime the lease company will have you go through your insurance for repairs, other times they send you to their repair shop (if they have one).

If you have full coverage insurance and have a car accident will the insurance company pay off your car if you still owe on the car?

If you're filing the claim through your own collision coverage, your car insurance will pay the actual cash value (ACV) minus your deductible at time of loss. This may not be enough to cover loan due to interest, negative equity, etc. You can look at buying gap coverage either through your finance company or your insurance company if this concerns you. The best available resource for determining your ACV is

When an individual has an automobile accident and someone is injured are they required to complete an accident injury claim with their insurance company?

When people have accidents in their automobile and someone is injured it is required to report it to the police and to their insurance company. This is because the injured person may need a doctors care and the person responsible for the accident is the one that will be required to pay through their insurance company.

Can you file a claim on both insurance companies yours and the party at fault in an auto accident?

Yes, you can. However, ultimately it is the at fault party's insurance company that will pay for the claim. In such a case, you will file a claim under your collision coverage and be subjected to the deductible. Once the claim is settled, your company will subrogate the loss with the other company(i.e. get reimbursed). Once that happens, you will be provided your deductible back. If you go through the at fault party's policy, you would file the claim under the property damage of the policy.

If I was in a accident with someone who had insurancee in their fathers name and that insurance doesn't cover all my bill and his son got insurance through another company will that insurance kick in.?

NO. the accident happened while he had his fathers car insurance. If he switches insurance he still uses the insurance he had when he got into his accident. However, your health insurance with pick up the difference.

Where can someone go for assistance with accident settlement?

One can get advice for assistance with accident settlement through attorneys. One can also call their insurance company for assistance with accident settlement.

Can you be charged higher car insurance after you were involved in an accident and it was on a different company policy it was also not your fault and settled by the other driver?

If I understand your question you are in an accident not your fault and it was settled, but the insurance was through a different company than the one you had ? I think they can hike the rates.

How do you find out if old policy valid through the national life and accident insurance company?

I have an old insurance policy dating back to 1948 is it still good

Settling an accident claim from injuries?

It is not wise to call your insurance company first after you are hurt from an accident, You have to understand that insurance companies are for profits and they may try to limit your recovery. It is wiser for you to call an attorney first to work on your behalf and take care of your best interests. Get a more understanding about this by checking the link below. -- You go through your insurance company and if necessary through the court.