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If I understand your question you are in an accident not your fault and it was settled, but the insurance was through a different company than the one you had ? I think they can hike the rates.

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Q: Can you be charged higher car insurance after you were involved in an accident and it was on a different company policy it was also not your fault and settled by the other driver?
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In general, insurance follows the car rather than the driver. So, if your sister is driving your insured car and is involved in an accident, your insurance would typically be the primary coverage for the incident. However, it's important to review the specific terms and conditions of your insurance policy to confirm this.

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This is normally 1 point for this type of violation unless there also was an accident involved at the same time. If there was an accident you will be charged 4 points for the total on your driving record but only 3 points for your insurance record with most insurance companies.

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If someone in a vehicle accident is injured or killed, one or all of the drivers involved in the accident may be charged with vehicular manslaughter or felon reckless or drunken driving, depending on the circumstances. The driver charged does not necessarily have to be the one who caused the accident.

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No, but if involved in an accident, even when not at fault, the drunk driver would still be guilty of, and could be charged with, DUI.

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if u both left and someone is filing insurance claim, BOTH parties will get charged with Leaving the scene of an accident and may not be able to file insurance claim

If you are involved in a hit and run accident that is not your fault should you tell your insurance if you are about to switch insurance companies?

== == Question..........Did you leave the scene of the accident? If so, you should have been charged by police. On the other hand, if you didn't run and the other driver did run away, you are OK. And YES you should all ways tell the TRUTH to your insurance company, or it WILL come back and bite you in the butt. That also applies to the NEW insurance company. Ethically you have a responsibility to be truthful about your past driving record.

Would an insurance company instantly refuse a claim if you were not at fault in an accident but were however charged with a high range pca by the police?


If a friend drives your car and is charged with DUI and gets in an accident does your collision coverage cover the damages?

depends on your and his insurance, generally insurance follows the driver not the car. so your insurance shouldn't care, their insurance should pay for everything. If they don't have insurance, then your uninsured motorist might cover it. It depends entirely on your company, but if your company pays then your premiums will go up. The person they hit should have insurance that may cover it. I see no reason why your insurance should be involved.