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If he is a member of your household or if he drives your vehicle then yes he must be added to your insurance policy. A member of your household includes students away at college. A student at college does not count as not living with you because their residence is still your house.

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Q: Is it mandatory to add a 19 year old to my car insurance policy if he doesn't live with me?
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Certain forms of business insurance are mandatory and required by law. One example is worker's compensation insurance which must be carried by all businesses in all states. Other forms such as disability insurance are not required in all states so it varies by what state you live in. Most other forms of business insurance are not mandatory but are highly recommended.

Do you have to live with someone to be on their car insurance?

No!! Just be added to their policy

Is my daughter covered under my insurance if she is not on the policy and does not live with me?

No chance.

Do you have to live in the same address to have the same insurance policy?


If YOU live in a different state can you still be on my parents insurance?

my son is on my auto insurance policy but he has moved to florida and I live in Michigan. Can he still be covered on my auto policy if he now lives in florida?

Do you have to live at home to be on your parents car insurance policy?

Most likely no, but still check your specific policy and the rules in the state you live in.

Can you have your own auto insurance policy if you live at home with your parents?

Yes, you can have your own auto insurance policy. If you are a minor though, you will need your legal gaurdian to countersign your application for insurance coverage.

What kind of policy is Endowment Insurance Policy?

Endowment Insurance policy is life insurance. Life insurance is very important to have, especially if you have a family or kids. If anything should happen to you, you would want to know that your family could live comfortably without your income.

Do I legally need auto insurance if I live in Hawaii?

Yes. Auto insurance is mandatory if you live in Hawaii. You can read more about it here:

How do you get off someones insurance policy?

Prove that you live somewhere else and have your own policy or change policies

Do you have to live with your parents in order to use their insurance coverage in an accident?

You do not have to live with them as long as you are listed on the policy.