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Q: Do you have to live in the same address to have the same insurance policy?
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Do two people have to share the same address to be on the same car insurance policy?


Can you insure someone as a named driver even if they do not live at the same address?

It's not illegal to be a named driver on an insurance policy if you don't live at the same address- only if you lie about living together to the insurance company. I think it's different for multi car discounts/ policies.

Can two people have the same Car insurance policy but live in different household?

Two people in separate households can have the same insurance policy. Usually, you can give the insurance company separate garaging addresses.

Does auto insurance policy have to be in the same name as on the title?

does the name on the insurance policy have to be the same as the title in anderson south carolina

If a brother and sister are living at the same address in Massachusetts is his car covered by his collision insurance if she drives it?

Only if he as a multiple driver policy. If not, then no, you would not be covered in the event of an accident. He could add you to his policy- just call the insurance company with the details. Not unless she is listed as atleast an occasional operator on his insurance policy.

Can someone else insure your car even if they do not live at the same address?

You cannot insure something you do not own and the address has nothing to do with it. The insured on the insurance policy must also be the owner of the vehicle. An insurance application and policy make up a legal contract. The contract states that you must own the vehicle insured. Lets use your example where someone else insures your vehicle. If the vehicle is damage in an accident, the insurance company cannot pay damages to the person listed on the insurance policy because they don't own the car. The also cannot pay you because you don't have a contract with them for insurance.

Can you add a named driver on your insurance if you are unrelated and don't live in the same household?

You can certainly talk to your insurance broker about it, but I believe that it would be simpler for this unrelated person who doesn't live in the same household to obtain his or her own insurance, rather than being added to your policy.

Why does fire insurance policy expires on the same date it was issued while motor insurance expires one day before the date it was issued?

12.01 am Standard time at the address of insured

Can you drive an insured car without being on the owner's policy?

Providing you DO NOT live at the same address as the insured (in Massachusetts)

Do two cars have to have the same name on the titles to have them under the same insurance policy?

No. I have three cars under the same insurance policy and each is registered to a different name.

What is portable life insurance?

A life insurance policy is "portable" when upon leaving the group policy, you transfer your life coverage to an individual life policy with the same insurance carrier with no changes to the policy or increase in premium.

What is the person that buys the insurance policy called?

The person that buys the insurance policy is referred to as the policy owner. This person is the only one that can make changes to the policy or cancel it. However, there may be more than one policy owner for the same insurance policy.