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Not because hydrogen is more expensive and there are better electric charging point networks than hydrogen worldwide.

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Q: Is hydrogen better or car or electric car and why?
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Which is better hydrogen car or electric car?


What is different about a hydrogen electric car compared to a regular electric car?

A regular electric car runs off battery power only, while a hydrogen car also uses a form of fused water. You could contact a manufacturer for more technical information.

Is an electric car better or petrol car?

it is

Finding a Hydrogen Electric Car?

To buy the best hydrogen electric car, you should be out there and doing some research on hybrid cars. It is very important for you to find hydrogen electric cars that will save you money on gasoline. The best hydrogen electric cars can be charged at your home during the night. It is a great idea to invest in these cars and a few extra batteries for them as well.

What is the difference between a hydrogen electric and and an electric car?

Electric cars can be charged with electricity, where as hydrogen cars use a fuel cell that would have to be refilled at a refueling station. It doesn't look like there will be many hydrogen cars on the road until 2020. Take a look at this article:

What is the purpose of hydrogen kits?

The purpose of Hydrogen kits are to convert your car to run on water. You will get better millage and all around better for mother nature

What would win electric RC car or nitro RC car?

nitro as it will get a better boost

What RC car is better electric or gas?

gas is faster and better but costs way more

Which type of car is more efficient a gas powered car or an electric car?

Electric there better for the environment. They can travel far enough to cover 90% of the travel distance of the population.

What makes a hybrid better than an electric car?

If you are looking for more information on what makes a hybrid better than an electric car, the best place to look for your information is on

Can a car be run on hydrogen gas?

There are a couple ways you could run a car on hydrogen. First is to just burn the hydrogen, but you would need a LOT of hydrogen to power a car--about 2 cubic feet of it at 3000 psi (which is the pressure in a tank from a welding shop) per each gallon of gasoline you don't want to use. The other is to make an electric car with a hydrogen-powered fuel cell.

Inventions of 2006?

hydrogen discovered to be better in car tires than air.