some patients have two insurers because both spouses receive coverage through their employer or because they have purchased an HMO policy to supplement the deficiencies of a basic polic, such as Medicare.
Your state may have varying laws about dual coverage, but generally speaking, if you have a primary insurance, they will pay first. Any co-pay or deductible that your primary coverage does not pay will be covered by government insurance.
It means you each have a different insurance company. If you had both HMO dental coverage and Delta Dental (and the veteran in me has to ask: "for God's sake, WHY Delta Dental?") active at the same time, that would be dual coverage.
What do you mean by dual insurance? You cannot have two auto insurance policys on one car. If you mean can you claim damages (let's say) from the 'at fault' party and then also claim them under your collison coverage, no you cannot.
paper valim
This refers to the case in which a patient is insured by more than one insurance plan. For example, a Medicare patient is generally covered for 80% of charges for a physician visit. In this case , he or she would usually be responsible for the remaining 20% of charges. However, if he or she has dual insurance coverage and is also covered by a supplemental plan. Medicare plus, this secondary plan would generally pay the amount not covered by the patient's primary insurance plan, Medicare.
Yes, you can have insurance coverage from multiple carriers.
In auto insurance, personal injury protection coverage is the same as medical coverage.
Complete Coverage Insurance is the type of company referred to as an independent insurance agency. They provide insurance coverage for automobile, home, health, business and life.
The Uninted States currently allows the use of two or more insurance coverage for a single patient. For example, in some situations a patient may submit a medical claim to a state or nationwide insurance (such as Medicaid) as well as a private insurance company to cover the difference.
In auto insurance, personal injury protection coverage is the same as medical coverage.
Home Insurance is Insurance coverage for your house, condo or apartment for your personal property and liability coverage for you. The insurance coverage for your house is also called homeowners insurance. The Homeowners isurance is an insurance package that has coverage for the dwelling, the others structures on your property, Loss of Use, Medical Payments and Personal Liability.
There are many auto insurance companies out there. Most of them offer online motorcycle insurance. The best coverage and the most coverage is not necessary to be the same.