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In case of an accident with a property damage of $750 or higher, each driver must file a report (SR1) to the:

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Q: In case of an accident with a property damage of 750 or higher to who should each driver file a report SR1 to?
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How the probability and statistics is apply in insurance?

They are used to understand how to set insurance premiums. Take, for example, car insurance. The probability of a new driver getting in an accident is higher than an experienced driver. The probability of a male driver getting in an accident is higher than an female driver (in general). The probability of a person who has had many claims filing another claim is higher than someone who has never filed a claim. All these data guide the insurance industry to charge higher premiums to drivers who are new, male or have filed claims in the past.

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If you are under 18 years of age, your risk of a fatal crash is about 2 1/2 times that of the "average" driver, and your risk of an injury crash is 3 times higher than that of the average driver.

Can you be charged higher car insurance after you were involved in an accident and it was on a different company policy it was also not your fault and settled by the other driver?

If I understand your question you are in an accident not your fault and it was settled, but the insurance was through a different company than the one you had ? I think they can hike the rates.

Is insurance for your car cheaper if you have a cdl?

No. In fact, it's more likely to increase. With a CDL, you're in a much higher risk category for being in an accident, on account of how much more time a CDL driver spends on the road than a daily driver.

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10 days

Concerns For Drivers?

Like every other state, driers in Kansas have to have insurance if they want to drive a vehicle. The minimum liability rates are 25/50/10. A policy that has $25,000 for the driver of an accident is the least a driver can get on their policy. The minimum for everyone involved in the accident is $50,000. This is usually a maximum amount for the people who are involved. Property damage rates are kept at a minimum of $10,000, but drivers can get a higher coverage, especially if they are younger or an elderly driver. Something that Kansas offers to its drivers is a no fault policy. This means that everyone involved in a car accident has their medical bills taken care of. An amount of $4,500 is awarded for each person involved in the accident. The coverage also includes loss of wages if the person has to stay out of work as well as rehabilitation expenses. In the event that someone dies in an auto accident, $2,000 will go toward funeral expenses. If there are any survivors of the person that passed away in the accident, they will be awarded up to $900 a month for one year. This seems like a reason that many people would have a car accident on purpose, but in the state of Kansas, if you have a car accident, your insurance rates will go very high if you are in an accident. Therefore, because of these regulations, there are very few auto accidents and insurance rates are kept low. When a driver decides it is time to get car insurance, or if they are changing form one carrier to another, there are a few factors that will determine how much they will pay. The first thing the company will look at is the prior driving history of the person applying. The company also takes into consideration the type of vehicle that is to be insured as well as the age and gender of the driver. If approved for coverage, the driver is placed in a category of drivers. There are three categories that drivers can be placed in. The lowest rates are for those considered to be the safest drivers.

Is car insurance mandatory in Connecticut?

The state of Connecticut requires car insurance. The law requires that drivers carry liability coverage of $20,000 per person and $40,000 per accident for bodily injury, as well as $10,000 per accident for property damage liability. Those are the minimum requirements. Drivers are urged to consider higher limits. Insurance companies are required to report lapsed policies to the state authorities.

Why Property being worked upon exclusion explain?

Property being worked upon exclusion means that the property insurance policy excludes coverage for any damage or loss that occurs while the property is being actively worked upon or under construction. This exclusion helps to shift the risk away from the insurance company since construction projects introduce higher risks of damage. It's important for property owners to be aware of this exclusion and potentially seek out separate insurance coverage for construction-related risks.