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Not required, but recommended since you have a higher risk of being in an accident since you are less experienced...

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Q: If you are a new teenage driver do you have to have full coverage insurance?
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If you have full coverage insurance on your auto do you have to put a new teenage driver on your insurance or would this be automatically covered?

Yes, you have to ad them to your policy I would call the insurance company and offer the drivers licence number to ensure coverage. there is no sense in taking chances with today's insurance company's.

Does full coverage insurance cover any licenced driver?

If they are added to your policy as a scheduled driver yes they will be considered a covered driver.

Will full coverage cover the insurance holder if they were injured?

If a motorist is injured by an uninsured motorist and the driver has uninsured motorist coverage the insurance carrier will provide coverage, if certain information is obtained on the uninsured driver. If a driver has Medical payment coverage or PIP coverage he or she and any passengers will be covered by the drivers auto policy Medical payment coverage.

If I have full coverage insurance but the car I was driving only had liability insurance will my insurance pay for damages?

Yes I think so since you were the driver. The insurance covers the driver and not necessarily the car.

My parked car has full coverage and was hit by an uninsured driver?

tell your insurance company and the police and your insurance company will pay everything except the deductible. If you have full coverage than your insurance is required to make good on the damage. It is up to your insurance company to try and get their money back from the uninsured driver of the other vehicle.

Does the Massachusetts DMV require me to have full MA car insurance coverage?

No, the Massachusetts DMV only requires that a driver have liability insurance.

Will your full coverage auto insurance cover if an unlicensed driver got into an accident with your car but was not at fault?


If you have full coverage do you need UMPD coverage or will full coverage suffice if you are hit by an uninsured driver?

you dont have to have umpd coverage if you have full coverage but most of the time on full coverage it has umpd and if you dont have umpd your collision will pay for fixing your vehicle but most of the time there is a higher deductible on collision I know this because i am an insurance agent

If a borrowed automobile only has liability coverage will full coverage pick up and pay for the damage?

If it only has liability, then it can't get full coverage benefits. If the driver has full coverage auto insurance, it may pick it up for the vehicle he's driving, but that tends to be rare.

Will insurance cover your car repair if you were the one who hit the uninsured person and you have coverage?

if you have full coverage insurance, yes it will cover you and other driver, depending on the limit of your collison coverage you have. if damage exceeds your coverage, then you have pay out of your own pocket to cover other driver's medical expense and damage. asian623

Does the at-fault driver with full coverage insurance pay for the other car?

No The person who is at-fault is responsible for your damages. His insurance will pay for everything. Tow, rental, damages.

Does insurance cover the car or the driver?

Both. It covers the medical expenses of the passengers and the cost of repair to the cars. That is assuming you have full coverage.