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when you get the insurance you can register your daughter as an autorized driver and the insurance will cover for the damages.

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Q: If you have insurance and let your daughter drive your car and gets into an accident will your insurance cover for the damages?
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If a friend borrows your car and gets in an accident does your auto insurance cover damages?

Depends. If said friend has insurance then in most cases their insurance will cover the damages due to vicarious liability. If the friend does not have insurance, you are then responsible for any damages caused.

Will insurance cover the damages to the transmission from an auto accident?

If the damage occurred during the accident in question, then it should.

Will insurance cover your damages from an accident if an unlicensed uninsured driver was in an accident on private property?

It is highly unlikely.

Will your insurance cover damages if your daughter is driving your car and there's an accident and the other person is at fault?

Yes but with subject to Your daughter is not excluded from your policy, you do not have a "limited" policy, your daughter holds a driving licence and has not consumed any alchohol and the insurance policy is not void. The damages to your car and to the third party property of the person can be covered up to the limit specified in your policy.

Does auto insurance cover telephone pole damage or replacement?

Yes, The liability portion of your auto insurance policy will cover the damages you may do to a telephone pole in an accident.

What is the difference between liability insurance and full coverage?

Liability insurance pays for someone else's damages if an accident is your fault but won't cover your vehicle. Full coverage provides liability insurance as above but will also cover your damages to your own vehicle in an accident regardless of whose at fault, as well as theft, fire, etc.

What if both parties only have liability insurance after a car accident?

If you were at fault, your insurance co will cover the damages to the other vehicle ONLY, not your....and vise virsa.

What happens when you hit someone in a car accident then find out you don't have enough insurance to cover all their damages?

Once your insurance has paid, you are responsible for the rest.

Are there policies or companies that cover anyone driving your vehicle?

If you have insurance on your car, and someone else is driving it, and has an accident your insurance rate will go up but it will cover the damages to the other persons vehicle.

What happens if the damages in an accident exceed the insurance coverage of the person at fault?

You need a life insurance policy to cover the risk of death and a health insurance policy as a cushion against hospitalisation expenses. Buy Personal Accident Insurance Coverage :

If you have PLPD and your car is totaled in an accident that is not your fault will the other drivers insurance cover your damages?

I have PLPD insurance and was in an accident that was the other driver's fault. The lady's insurance paid for the damages, around $3000 which was the blue book retail value of the car, and they paid for a rental car for a short period. Since I had PLPD insurance, I had to pay for extra insurance on my rental vehicle, $12 a day extra, that their insurance would not cover and came out of my own pocket.

What does liability auto insurance cover?

Auto liability insurance is specifically designed to cover any damage caused to other vehicles if you have an accident. It does not cover reapirs to your own vehicle. It is by law the minimum requirement for insurance in every state.