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I have PLPD insurance and was in an accident that was the other driver's fault. The lady's insurance paid for the damages, around $3000 which was the blue book retail value of the car, and they paid for a rental car for a short period. Since I had PLPD insurance, I had to pay for extra insurance on my rental vehicle, $12 a day extra, that their insurance would not cover and came out of my own pocket.

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Q: If you have PLPD and your car is totaled in an accident that is not your fault will the other drivers insurance cover your damages?
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Had an accident just got into another one Does the insurance company calculate the damages from the first accident plus the damages on this second accident to figure if that car is Totaled?

No. A "totalled" car is one whose value is less than the total cost of the repair.

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Your insurance may go up it may not, also sue for allot of money!!!

What do you do if you have an accident with a lapsed insurance and the vehicle is totaled?

You pay for the damages out of your pocket. Answer How lapsed? There is a grace period with insurance companies. Call your agent. If it's been more than 2-3 weeks my guess is you are out of luck.

Is it legal for your insurance company to deny a loss for a car that was totaled?

It would depend on why the car was totaled and who's fault the accident was and what time of insurance do you have PLPD or Full Coverage

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Collision insurance will cover any damages to your vehicle (or refund you the value of the car in the event that it becomes totaled) in the event of an accident. Collision insurance coverage typically only applies when you are the at-fault driver in the accident. Collision coverage covers any sort of collision whether it be with another car, a pot hole, a tree, a guard rail, a ditch, etc.

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most time if the car was in an accident and is totaled you will have to by it back from your insurance company

What does the insurance do when you are still paying on a truck and someone hits you and it gets totaled?

If the person who hit you is the one at fault in the accident, then their insurance should cover the cost of the damages to your truck. If they don't have insurance, or if they don't have enough to cover all of the costs, then yours should kick in and cover the balance if you have full coverage and not just liability insurance.

What do you do if your car gets totaled in a car accident?

The very first thing you do is report it to the police. Whether the car is "totaled" or not (a decision typically made by insurance adjusters), a police report is required for any automobile accident.

If you co sign for an auto loan and the person you co signed for is in an accident can you as the co signer be liable for injuries or damages?

No, you can only be liable for the loan. If the car was totaled and did not have insurance then you can be held responsible for the balance on the loan. Any accident or damages that occurred would be the responsibility of the driver/owner of the vehicle. All your signature did was say that you will pay the loan if the borrower fails to do so.

What is a person at fault with no car insurance in accident to do. in a car accident where i was at fault. i does not have insurance on my car. both cars are totaled. other woman has insurance help?

If you were at fault, then you are liable for all costs. Whether you have insurance or not does not negate your liability. In most states if you fail to pay for the claimants losses you will lose your driving priviledges for up to 10 years or until you pay the bill which ever comes first. If the other person has insurance to pay for their losses then you will be required to re-imburse that Insurance Company for the damages you caused, You are still the at fault party and are liable for the damages. If you don't pay the Insurance company they can also turn it over to a collection agency and it will definitely affect your credit for the next 10 years. Basically to sum up. If you don't pay the damages you will likely lose your credit rating as well as your drivers license for the next 10 years. Good Luck

What happens after your car is totaled and you only have liability?

If a car is totaled in an accident and only liability insurance is present, there is a chance that the other party's insurance will pay for the vehicle if the accident was their fault. If a car is totaled, but no others were involved, then the responsibility falls on the registered owner. This will not release the registered owner from paying for the vehicle, either, if money is still owed on the car.

Who owns the salvage in an auto accident?

Either the cars owner or the insurance company who paid for the totaled vehicle