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Sometimes. Sometimes insurance covers whoever is driving a particular car, and sometimes insurance covers a driver no matter whose car they are driving (as long as they have the car owner's permission).

You should probably check with your insurance company to be sure, or have your parents call and ask them.

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Q: If you drive your parents car but you don't live with them and you get in an accident will their insurance cover you?
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when you get the insurance you can register your daughter as an autorized driver and the insurance will cover for the damages.

Am I insured if I have an accident while driving some else's car?

If you have insurance yourself you are insured to drive someones car. If you have an accident your insurance will cover it.

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Probably. When you purchase insurance, you are insuring the car. If you drive someone else's car and have an accident, their insurance should cover the costs (but their insurance *may* sue your insurance company for compensation/reimbursement.)

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If you have your own. Otherwise it is illegal to drive without insurance...and if you cause an accident and dont have insurance to pay for it you will be in really really big trouble.

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NO! Driving on a revoked license is deliberat act, providing that you knew you are not supposed to drive.

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Probably not. I am certain that somewhere in your policy there's a clause stating that you can not drive while your license is suspended.

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If you want him to have insurance cover in the event of an accident you should add him to your policy. Any body that is not on your insurance policy should NOT drive your car, if they have an accident you'll have big problems.

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Usually, if the driver had the owner's permission to drive. What happens if the car is owned by the person that has the accident but the insurance is in your name? However you no longer want to be in that relationship or to have to pay that insurance?

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I wouldn't see why not. Insurance will cover any accident she has, only because she is family.

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The parents of the first child. Insurance will not cover this because a policy holder has a duty not to let unlicensed driver have their vehicle, whether a minor or not. The first parents are responsible because they knowingly let their child drive without a license and their kid let an unlicensed drunk driver drive their vehicle.

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ANY driver with permission to drive that car by the owner is covered under that car's insurance policy. Insurance goes with the car...not the driver.

Will insurance rates increase if 18 yr old daughter on parents' policy lets uninsured boyfriend drive her parents car and he has an accident?

yes, if your daughter had your permission to drive then gave her permission for boyfriend to drive, then he is an insured driver under the policy.....coverage/policy stays with the vehicle, meaning your policy will pay (assuming he was at fault)...and thus be affected by this accident........