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Q: If you cause a car accident which type of insurance will require you to pay the least out of pocket?
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If you have liability insurance and cause an accident can you be sued?

yes you can with or without it

If you're in an accident but no one else is involved will your insurance go up?

Any accident can cause your insurance to go up even if it wasn't your fault.

How does a rear end accident affect your car insurance?

It can up your insurance if you are in the fault. If not it shouldn't cause your insurance to go up.

If you was on your dads insurance as a named driver does in affect their premium if you have an accident?

Yes, the general idea of insurance is that your rates go up when you cause an accident and they are forced to pay out.

Someone hit you an Neither I or other driver has insurance on our car who is at fault?

Who is at fault has to do with the accident itself not the insurance coverage. A police report of the accident and looking at the proximate cause of the accident help determine fault.

What happens if you are in a car accident your insurance ran out two weeks ago and your not the primary insurance policy holder on the car?

The driver of the at-fault car is responsible for paying for the damage they cause to others in an auto accident. Having insurance transfers this risk from the driver to the insurance company. If you are found at-fault and do not have insurance you will be responsible for paying out of your own pocket for the damage you caused. If you do not have the money in the bank, or the assets to sell, be prepared to have future wages garnished. If this happens you may want to consult a bankruptcy attorney.

When is liability insurance needed?

When you cause an accident that damages another vehicle or hurts someone

What is collision in car insurance?

Collision is a slang term for coverage on your car if you cause the accident.

How can insurance liability be used against you?

Insurance liability is found in different scenarios, but for this example I will use Auto Insurance liability. Most automobile lenders require anyone with an auto loan to have insurance liability. This means if you cause an accident while operating your vehicle, you may be made liable to pay the costs of damages and medical bills. While insurance liability is a good thing to have, especially if you are the one who is the victim of an accident, it can also be a costly, though necessary thing to have.

Can you lose your license with no insurance if you cause an accident?

Yes! You sure can! You have already broken the law to drive without insurance. . . They by YOU yourself causing the accident, you are definitely liable for license removal.

What if you had no insurance at the time of your accident?

If you have no Insurance there State law reqired but if you got into an accident. and no Insurance if State Trooper or City Police finding you have no Insurance it can be Serious Suspend your license. And you Polly face Court for no Insurance. Can cause High Insurance. my suggest is get an Insurance there is alots good insurance that you can find out such like Geico, etc. Good Luck.

What happens if an excluded driver on your insurance policy cause an accident but you let them drive?

The insurance company is not liable to pay out any damages that were caused in the accident and they cancel your policy. This means that the driver bears the full financial burden for the costs of the accident.