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Full coverage or not the answer is usually yes unless that person is specifically exclued by name from that policy. The person has to have permission or implied permission to be using the vehicle from the owner.

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Q: If someone has full coverage on their vehicle is anyone who drives it covered under his insurance?
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If a car owner has full coverage on their vehicle including uninsured motorist can they allow someone without any insurance to drive the vehicle?

It is my understanding from my insurance company that if I "give permission" for someone to drive my vehicle and I have full coverage then my vehicle is covered. Recommend you ask your insurance carrier this question, they will be happy to give you an answer regarding your policy.

Is it lawfull for your vehicle insurance to charge you for what they have covered?

Yes, That's how it works. The insurance company sells you coverage in the form of an insurance policy and you pay a premium in exchange for that coverage. If you don't pay for the coverage then your not covered.

Will your auto insurance cover you in your non covered vehicle?

No. Since you said it was "non covered". that would indicate that you have no coverage for that vehicle.

Does full coverage insurance cover my car if someone else drives it?

Auto Insurance covers the vehicle, not the driver. As long as you give permission for a legally licensed person to drive your car and they are properly using the vehicle (i.e.: not racing) your vehicle is covered.

Non owners insurance- can you get registration tags?

NO, Non Owners insurance is seconday coverage. No pimary covered Vehicle is implied.

If you only have liability insurance and someone hits your car and leaves should your insurance cover the damages done to your car?

No. Physical Damage coverage to your own vehicle would be covered in this instance if you purchased the coverage, but liability only would not repair the damages.

Your Car caught Fire what will your insurance cover?

If you have Comprehensive Coverage on your Auto Insurance policy, you will be covered. They will either repair the vehicle or compensate you for the loss of the vehicle if it is not repairable.

Does the insurance company have to pay for a rental vehicle for a client until their vehicle is fixed if they have full coverage insurance?

Rental car coverage is an add-on, check your policy to see if you are covered - if there was another vehicle involved in the accident and the driver was at fault, his or her insurance should pick up the tab.

If a vehicle has no insurance but you have fully comprehensive cover on another vehicle is the non insured vehicle covered to be driven?

If it's your vehicle then no. You have to add the other vehicle to your policy, otherwise it is not a covered vehicle. If it's a temporary replacement vehicle then coverage may be afforded under your own auto insurance policy.

Can your car insurance cover your medical if you were involved in a motorcycle accident?

If your motorcycle was a scheduled vehicle on your Insurance Policy then you should be covered. If you were on someone Else's Motorcycle then their insurance policy should cover your medical. If neither coverage is available then you could look to your major medical policy or HMO for medical coverage.

What does it mean when someone is excluded from an auto insurance policy?

By excluding a person from an auto insurance policy, you are stating that the "excluded" person will not drive the insured vehicle, and that you understand that the "excluded" person is not covered by your insurance in the case of any traffic violation (accident, ticket, etc.). It means there is no coverage available to the excluded person in the case of an accident while driving the said vehicle. There will be NO COVERAGE.

If you have an accident with your husband's vehicle which has only PLPD insurance can he make a claim against the full coverage on your vehicle?

No. If you had an accident with your husbands car and you were at fault with only PLPD insurance, the damages to your vehicle would not be covered.