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Auto Insurance covers the vehicle, not the driver. As long as you give permission for a legally licensed person to drive your car and they are properly using the vehicle (i.e.: not racing) your vehicle is covered.

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Q: Does full coverage insurance cover my car if someone else drives it?
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If you are in an accident with someone whose insurance lapsed but you have full coverage will your insurance cover it?

Yes they will, but you may have to pay a deductable if you do not have uninsured motorist coverage, and you you must have comp & coll coverage.

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If it was someone you lent your car to, then it should

Does Broad Form Insurance cover a financed vehicle?

Broad Form auto coverage is as close as you can get to having no coverage at all. You cannot add physical damage coverage to your policy so you cannot buy this is you have a car financed. The coverage is for the named insured only and every other human on the planet is excluded. If anyone else drives there is no coverage. This is not anything that I as an insurance agent could ever recommend to someone.

Who's insurance is liable if someone hits you but leaves the scene?

That depends on your insurance coverage. If you have collision coverage, your insurance will cover your damages. If do not have that coverage and don't have the other vehicle license plate, unfortunately, you're stuck with all the bills.

Can I get insurance to cover collision in Illinois?

You can get insurance to cover collision in Illinois. Simply check with your automobile insurance provider and add collision coverage to your coverage.

Can a woman get insurance to cover collision in Virginia?

All people are allowed to get insurance to cover collision. It would be discrimination to deny someone insurance based on their sex. The best way to get coverage is to go to the nearest insurance agency.

Does your farm bureau home owners insurance cover you if you are working in someone elses home?

Homeowners insurance policies are personal lines coverage and typically do not provide coverage for commercial or work related activities.

Will your car insurance cover your daughter if she has an accident?

Car insurance is designed to cover your vehicle should you need to allow someone to use it. There may be some difficulties with coverage if it is being primarily driven by someone who isn't rated on the policy.

Can your car insurance cover your medical if you were involved in a motorcycle accident?

If your motorcycle was a scheduled vehicle on your Insurance Policy then you should be covered. If you were on someone Else's Motorcycle then their insurance policy should cover your medical. If neither coverage is available then you could look to your major medical policy or HMO for medical coverage.

What are some of the insurance companies that cover identity theft coverage?

Insurance companies that cover identity theft coverage are available at a wide range. Some examples are Zander Insurance Group, Travelers Insurance and Intact Insurance.

What if someone is driving your car and has an accident will your full coverage insurance cover it?

Usually yes. It depends on the brand of insurance though. You should check with your provider to be sure.

Does your insurance cover your car when an uninsured driver is driving and have a wreck?

It really depends on the type of coverage you have. Normally if that person had permission to drive the vehicle, you have full coverage/collision insurance, and that person was at fault your insurance will cover damages. If someone else caused the accident, you would still receive damages from their insurance if they were insured. Sometimes however the driver's insurance would cover your damages under certain circumstances. As always, it is really best to ask your insurance carrier or refer to your most recent coverage letter from the company.