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The default answer is the car that is moving is At Fault unless the moving car has the right of way. However parking lots are messy and there will be no police reports unless the damage is over a certain amount ($2500 I think). The best thing to do is handle it without insurance companies.

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Q: If a car is parked in a parking spot that is labeled no parking and you bump it in a parking lot who is at fault?
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If you bump a car in a parking lot and there is a little nick on the bumper is it a no fault accident?

No, as if your vehicle collided with the other vehicle, the fault is yours.j3h.

How is bump used in a sentence?

I drove over a bump in the parking lot. The sign said, "Bump", meaning there was a bump in the parking lot. Many young people today refer to a woman's pregnancy as a "baby bump".

What is the concrete bump called in the front of a parking space?

Stop bumper.

What are the reasons a city would install speed bumps on roads?

The main purpose of a speed bump is to slow down traffic. A car going over a speed bump quickly risks damage to itself and its passengers. Speed bumps are best used in parking lots and other places where keeping traffic slow is important to avoid accidents with pedestrians and parked cars.

If you hit a car while reversing out of a parking space who is at fault?

Don't bump 'nuthin' when you back upThe guy going backwards is always at fault. It don't matter if the driver that hits you is going 50 MPH down a narrow path between cars and babies in strollers and little old ladies. The law is wrong, but well established.

What happens when two cars in a shopping center parking lot are both backing out at the same time and bump each others cars with a little damage?

That's their fault they should look out first before they do anything, some people shouldn't drive and if they make any damage then they will have to pay for what they have done!

Belly pan required?

Not really, mine got caught on a bump stop in a parking lot. I pulled it off afterward.

Whos at fault backing up in a parking lot?

Backing out of a parking spaceThe person backing up is at fault, they have a greater duty the fact that the person is driving on the wrong side makes no difference. the person shoudl of waited to back out. --yes but like all accidents like these, it is circumstantial; if person A is backing out, person B is flying by @ 20+ mph, person A checks everywhere & sees nothing and proceeds to back out. they are then hit by car A who is at fault for 'not able to control his/her vehicle'. if both are going proper speeds & it is just a bump, it is definitely A's fault, cuz B has the right of way

Who is at fault if you bump a shopping cart with your car and then the shopping cart rolls into another car and bumps it?

One question. Who are you going to blame? The cart? It's your fault for hitting the cart in the first place and not noticing it.

BMW 325 ci will not turn over but will bump start battery ok?

Sounds like a starter motor/solenoid fault.

Why does your car squeak in the rear when you go over a bump or go from parked position to either reverse or forward?

The squeak is your tires losing traction on the pavement. Prominent in rear wheel drive cars.

Who is at fault if you are stopped in traffic and someone behind you hits your car and you bump into the person in front of you?

If you are completely stopped, the person behind you will be at fault for BOTH cars since they didn't allow themselves enough time and space to stop safely.