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Don't bump 'nuthin' when you back upThe guy going backwards is always At Fault. It don't matter if the driver that hits you is going 50 MPH down a narrow path between cars and babies in strollers and little old ladies.

The law is wrong, but well established.

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Q: If you hit a car while reversing out of a parking space who is at fault?
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Who is at fault if you hit a car that is backing out of a parking spot while you are leaving the parking lot?

Usually the driver of the vehicle at the rear, as he/she should be paying attention to what is ahead of them. If you saw him/her reversing out you should have stopped and waited. If you did and were stationary, then the person reversing out is at fault, but you would need witnesses to prove it.

While reversing into a space facing the oncoming traffic and a car is coming the other way and over the white line am i at fault?

Yes, the reversing vehicle must always give way.

Who is at fault when someone backs into you while backing out of a parking space and hits you in the front right tire?

If they backed into you, it's their fault. Failure to yield.

If 2 cars collide while reversing here both the cars are reversing who is at fault?

Who ever wasn't paying attention

Who is at fault if you are hit by a car that is backing out of a parking spot while you are leaving the parking lot going the wrong way?

Your mum, Steve.

If you are in a parking lot and backing up and a car comes from off the street and while both cars are moving you hit each other who is at fault?

Were you backing and they driving forward in the lane? If so more than likely you will be deemed the higher degree of fault. Vehicle that are reversing are required to use a higher degree of care. More details and I might be of greater assistance to you.

If you were parked in a parking space and you back out of your spot and while you are still backing out of it another car backs into you That is their fault right?

Generally, the person backing out is at fault. If you are both backing out you're probably both at fault and will probably share the cost of repair, with each repairing their own. yes because you were backing out and they hit your car its their fault!!!!!!! yes because you were backing out and they hit your car its their fault!!!!!!!

Who is at fault if you were hit in a parking lot while parking if the car that hit you were on the wrong side of the parking lot and speeding?

The driver of the car that hit you would be at fault for failing to slow down and avoid hitting you, regardless of which side he or she was on. Parking lots are very dangerous places and people must slow down accordingly.

What is a parking orbit?

A parking orbit is a temporary orbit in space. A satellite or space probe with enter a parking orbit and coast for a while. This will happen before it fires its rockets again to hit its final destination.

While backing out of a parking space in a school parking lot your son hit another car that was moving through the parking lot Are parking lot accidents no-fault your state is Missouri?

I do not feel the the son was at faught because If the tale-end of the car was totally out into the intersection the other driver was to yield to him, especially if passing the son driver was going to cause the driver to go into another lane.

Who is at fault if you roll back on a hill and hit a car while parking?

The general rule of thumb is that any car moving that hits a parked car is at fault.

Who is at fault for a collision when two cars are backing out in a parking lot?

Its logical.........the person who backed out while the other person was at it!