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Q: If 2 cars collide while reversing here both the cars are reversing who is at fault?
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Who's at fault if both drivers were reversing when they collide?

Most likely, both parties would be equally at fault. Each individual's insurance company should cover any damages to their own vehicles.

Who is at fault if BOTH cars are reversing out of parking spaces?


Who is fault if I was reversing out of a car parking space when a car reverses back into me?

If you were both backing out at the same time, then it will be considered joint fault, sometimes called contributory negligence. That means both drivers failed to notice the other driver.

If one car is reversing in the road in a praking lot and another continues to drive into the back of it who is at fault?

who cares they both go 2 court!!!

Who is at fault if you back up to get a parking space and driver whom is parked back in first pulls out of their space and both vehicles collide?

the one that is at fault is the driver that pulls out of their space that then caused both cars to crash . the one at fault should have waited until the other driver parks .

If you are in a parking lot and backing up and a car comes from off the street and while both cars are moving you hit each other who is at fault?

Were you backing and they driving forward in the lane? If so more than likely you will be deemed the higher degree of fault. Vehicle that are reversing are required to use a higher degree of care. More details and I might be of greater assistance to you.

How fold and fault mountains are formed?

Fold mountains are formed when tectonic plates collide, causing compression and the folding of rock layers. Fault mountains are created by the movement along fault lines, where one side of the fault is pushed up relative to the other. Both types of mountains result from the Earth's tectonic activity.

What if two cars backing out of a parking spot and a vehicle coming from your right backs out the two cars collide right rear bumper to right rear bumper who is at fault?

Both partys are at fault and each party will need to file there vehicle under there own insurance. Parking lot accidents are always share fault unless one of the vehicle was parked, but since both vehicles were backing out at the same time, both partys are at fault unless you get a kind person to admit it was there fault.

If I am in a car park reversing straight and a car pulls out from a parked spot and I hit it who's fault is it?

It strikes me that you should both have been more carefull. however the person that is on the main throughway has the right of way, that is the parked should wait until trafic has cleared, unles you were reversing against a one way instruction.

There are two cars one in the front one in the back the one in the back moves forward and the one in the front moves back they both collide and are both damaged which car is most at fault?

Equal. Both vehicles were moving and responsible for avoiding contact.

What if two cars are backing out of opposite places and hit each other: back right bumper and back left bumper on other vehicle collide. Is anyone at fault?

Yup. Both of you are at fault, and will most likely have to use your own insurance to repair your cars.

Why do volcanoes and Earthquakes happen in the same places?

I think it's because when plate collide it makes a mountain and when plates rub it naked an earthquake so they're both on the plate line.