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Probably, but the other guy's insurance company should cover it since he was liable (unless it was a hit and run).

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Q: If I am not on my mom's insurance policy and while i was sitting at a red light while driving her car i get rear ended Will the insurance claim go through?
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Only if your insurance policy includes driving in Ireland.

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The insurance policy on the vehicle you were driving will pay any damages assuming the owner of the vehicle and the owner of the insurance policy is one and the same.

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Anyone driving a motor vehicle needs to be on an insurance policy. Contact your insurance carrier and have him added to your policy, or purchase a policy for him, whichever is cheaper.

Where is a good place to get a quote for an automobile insurance policy?

Quotes for an automobile insurance policy may be obtained through State Farm, All State and Dominion. Each insurance provider has an online form that asks some driving history questions and gives a quote on the spot.

Whose auto insurance will cover you if driving another person?

This depends on the insurance policy. Usually your car is covered, no matter who is driving it. However, if you are driving a car and the owner doesn't have insurance, then your insurance would pay if you got in an accident.

What type of auto insurance covers the driver no matter what vehicle they are driving?

There is no Such Auto Insurance Policy. You would need a Primary Auto Insurance Policy on your own Vehicle and then an attached Umbrella Policy on top of it in order to get close to this.

Who can be a dependent on a car insurance policy?

Anyone can be listed on your car insurance policy as long as they have a valid driver's license. You just have to remember if that person has a bad driving record it will affect your insurance.

Which companies offer drink driving insurance?

Drinking and driving is illegal everywhere. No insurance company can provide a policy for illegal activities. Drinking and driving is dangerous, not to mention that if a car accident were to happen, insurance would not cover it.

Can someone be added to a car insurance policy that is not a family member?

Yes, If someone will be driving the car, it is recommended to add inform your insurance company and have them added to the policy.

Does the registered owner of the car have to be on the insurance policy even if they don't have a license?

The insurance policy should be in the name of the registered owner of the car.It is not necessary that he should have a licence.The person who is driving the vehicle should have a valid driving licence.

Can your license be suspended for someone else driving your car without insurance?

I think it depends on your car insurance policy.

Will your insurance points be affected if your car was damaged by someone else driving it?

Sure will.Its your policy,not the person driving its.