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The insurance policy should be in the name of the registered owner of the car.It is not necessary that he should have a licence.The person who is driving the vehicle should have a valid driving licence.

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Q: Does the registered owner of the car have to be on the insurance policy even if they don't have a license?
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How do you get insurance when you are not the registered owner of the car?

Answer:As long as you have the owners name on the insurance as owner you can insure it under your own policy

Do you have to be the registered owner of a car to get insurance on it?

Yes. Only a registered owner of a car can get the insurance. The insurance policy document and registration documents of a car both should be in a name of one person. The mismatching of documents leads to legal complications. So it is important to ensure that to get insurance, you have to be the registered owner of a car.

Can a license driver get insurance on someones else car that has no license?

You cannot insure a vehicle that you do not own so the answer to the question is no. The insurance must be in the name of the vehicles owner. If there is a good reason that the owner has no license some insurance companies will allow the owner to purchase the insurance in their name but exclude themselves as a driver and list the person or persons who will be driving as listed drivers on the policy. This is a legally written policy.

Can you take out an auto insurance policy in AZ if your spouse is the registered owner of the vehicle?

You should check with an agent on this. Some states will require the owner to have the policy and list you as a driver.

How do you get insurance on your drivers license?

You can get a non-owner insurance policy that essentially covers you when you have no vehicle. This is usually needed if you are required to have insurance and you do not own a vehicle.

You bought a non owner policy in Oklahoma and have a drivers licenses your question is if you do not renew your non owner policy can Oklahoma pull your license?

You aren't required to carry insurance in Oklahoma unless you own a vehicle; your license will be safe.

Who gets insurance money on a total loss policy holder or vehicle owner?

Lien holder is paid first, any balance goes to registered owner.

What happens if a driver with a suspended license the registered owner's insurance pay?

What are you asking? Have you had a motor accident? Did the other driver have a suspended licence?

What is contingent owner on life insurance policy?

The new owner of a life insurance policy if the original owner dies before the insured.

If a Car is impounded for violation 14602.6 and there are two registered owners can the second owner with a valid driver license get the vehicle out?

Yes, If a Registered Owner with a valid license and current Registration and Insurance pays the necessary fees and or fines they can get the car out.AnswerNO. If you could everyone without a valid license would add another person to the registration.

What is a non owner's auto insurance policy?

A non owner's automobile insurance policy is a policy for a person who is required to carry insurance due to licensing but who does not own a vehicle. We deal with this occasionally when a person is trying to reinstate their drivers license which was revoked due to the person not obeying the insurance requirement laws so the department of motor vehicles requires them to provide proof that they have auto insurance even if they do not own a vehicle. This is usually the result of several tickets for driving without insurance that caused their license to be suspended.

Does auto insurance policy have to be in the same name as the title owner in Michigan?

Not typically. The insurance is typically in the name of the person to whom the car is registered and this is not always the name shown on the title.