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The insurance policy on the vehicle you were driving will pay any damages assuming the owner of the vehicle and the owner of the insurance policy is one and the same.

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Q: Whose auto insurance will cover you if driving another persons car in Florida?
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If you are driving another persons car with permission and have an accident and the car you are driving is uninsured will your insurance pay to get the car fixed sicne you were at fault?


If you were driving someone else car and ran into the back of another car whose insurance covers the victims of the hit car?

the persons who car you were driving

If you need to get personally insured so you can practice driving in another persons car to take the driving test what do you do to do that?

To drive another person's car you must be a named driver on the vehicle's insurance policy.

Whose insurance pays if you are driving another persons car do some damage to the car and they are not with you?

the car owners insurance The person driving the car would need to submit a claim to their insurance company. There are a few insurance companies that will cover not only the registered owner but anyone driving the car, however this is not usually the case.

Do you have to go to court if you get a citation for driving a friends car and there is no insurance card?

If you were cited then you need to appear, if you have coverage on another vehicle then you should bring that proof with you as you should be technically covered for driving another persons vehicle.

Does your insurance policy follow you if driving someone elses car?

No, in the state of Mass where i am from, the insurance is covered for your car only. It will not follow you if you choose to drive another vehicle. You may want to check the state your are in if this is different, as they may have a different type of policy you can purchase that will cover you. With my experience, the only insurance you have is your health insurance if you are driving another persons vehicle.

Does auto insurance cover any driver of your car?

no, the driver has to be on your insurance or have there own insurance. if your driving and the persons with you then yes

Can you drive a car with no insurance under your insurance?

Yes, it can cover you depending on the reason you were driving another persons vehicle.Remember that auto insurance follows the legal liabilities of the named insured. If you were driving another persons vehicle under the "replacement vehicle rules" then yes your liabilities should be covered under your own auto insurance policy.A replacement vehicle is typically defined as a borrowed or rented vehicle that one is driving because their own vehicle is under repair, broken down or otherwise unavailable to you at the time.If you were just driving your friends car for the fun of it then you should contact your insurance agent for coverage advice.

If someone gets a ticket while driving another persons car will the owners insurance notify them?

No, the state does not notify insurance companies each time a person gets a ticket. It is up to the insurance companies to periodically get a persons driving record. Surprising to most people insurance companies don't do this all to often. It's expensive so they usually only get your record if you give them a reason to such as file a collision claim.

If you are driving another persons car who has no insurance and you have no insurance and rear end another car who pays damages?

It depends on what state you are in; most states require PIP (Personal Injury Protection) to defray the costs of an accident where at least one of the parties is uninsured.

Who gets the no insurance ticket for driving another persons car?

Ultimately, the driver is responsible for everything that happens while the vehicle is moving. The DRIVER is supposed to verify that the vehicle he is driving has insurance. I have been in this position, as the owner of the vehicle. And trust me it is the owner that gets the huge fine.

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