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no, the driver has to be on your insurance or have there own insurance. if your driving and the persons with you then yes

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Q: Does auto insurance cover any driver of your car?
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Do you need to be on someones auto insurance to drive a vehicle?

Insurance will cover any licensed driver with permission to borrow the car.

Will state farm auto insurance cover a boat rental?

Auto insurance will not cover a boat under any circumstances.

If an out of state driver with no auto insurance has an accident in NJ is their health insurance or the NJ driver's auto insurance primary?

Someone's health insurance is not going to cover any injuries in an auto accident. That covered by the insurance on the vehicle. Since there wasn't any, it would appear the victim(s) only recourse would be to sue. And hope they can collect any judgment they might be awarded. Health Insurance WILL most definitely cover injuries resulting from an automobile accident. Some motoe vehicle insurance policies even have a "health insurance primary" option. The questions was how to determine which is primary , the health insurance or the insured drivers motor vehicle coverage

Your sisters car that you'd driving have insurance do you need to get non owner insurance?

You need to have your sister schedule you as an covered driver on her auto insurance policy to be covered. Non Owners Insurance will not cover you in any vehicle to which you have regular access.

How is auto liability insurance different from comprehensive insurance?

Liability insurance only covers someone else in the case that you are responsible for damages caused in a collision. Comprehensive coverage will cover a driver that you hit, as well as cover yourself for any damages inflicted during a collision.

Where can you buy auto insurance to cover you not your individual cars?

Auto insurance is for cars not for people. You can buy insurance on yourself so contact any insurance agent.

Can your boyfriend put you on his auto insurance?

Yes, You can add any person you wish to your auto insurance policy that you want to be a covered driver in your vehicle.

If you are injured in a auto accident where the other driver is at fault how does his liability insurance cover you?

Yes, every liability policy has bodily insurance coverage attached to it. Therefore, their insurance should pay any medical bills you may be charged for.

Which select auto insurance company is the best?

The best auto insurance company to use is defintely Allstate they offer driver rewards for safe driving and the best coverage that any driver can use.

Where can I find travel trailer insurance?

Any auto insurance company should also cover trailers.

Does car insurance offered in Tennesee cover my auto when I drive out of state?

Your auto insurance should cover you anywhere you drive to. As long as the person insured is driving the car there should not be any problems.

Does full coverage insurance cover any licenced driver?

If they are added to your policy as a scheduled driver yes they will be considered a covered driver.