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As long as you are old enough to legally drive you may get any coverage you wish. However not all insurance companies offer this coverage. One more thing... this coverage you are asking about is referred to as permissive use.

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Q: How old do you have to be to get comprehensive car insurance that covers you to drive other peoples cars?
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Can you drive a car that is not insured but you have insurance in the UK?

In the UK you must have insurance that covers you to drive the car in question.

What kind of insurance policy can cover a person driving a car that is not theirs?

Fully comprehensive cover will allow you to drive others peoples cars, with their permission, but only on a thrid party basis, and you have to be over 21.

How is safe to drive a car without comprehensive car insurance?

Car insurance covers many parts including collision, liability and comprehensive. If your car is paid for you may not be required to have comprehensive coverage.Comprehensive coverage is for non-collisionincidents such as a fire, earthquake, a hail storm and theft. If your car is destroyed in a storm or it is stolen, then you will have to absorb the loss.Motorists should have comprehensive coverage as well as other minimum coverage to protect themselves, their passengers and other drivers.

What car insurance policy covers a drive by shooting?

under vandalism

If you have full coverage insurance and a person who is not on the policy gets into an accident what happens?

It depends on the policy provider but my Allstate Insurance covers licensed drivers who drive my vehicle with my permission. Mine also covers me when I drive an uninsured car.

Do you have to have car to get insurance?

No, you can get a named insured policy that just covers you and possible vehicles you may drive.

Who is covered to drive your car if you give them permission to use it?

you are, unless you have insurance that covers other drivers.

What amount of comprehensive insurance does the state of Texas require?

The law requires that people who drive to pay for the accidents they cause.

Where can I find information on comprehensive general liability?

Most state require that you drive with insurance. As long as when you go to court and you have insurance coverage they should reduce the charge of driving without insurance.

Will insurance cover driver not on policy?

Most auto insurance covers anyone you allow to drive your car, except people living in your house.

Who's insurance covers you if you drive a friend's car but only have a learner's permit and your parent's and the friend are insured?

Usually the insurance on the car covers any permitted driver unless that driver is excluded in writing.

Do you need insurance for a motorcycle if you have a permit in MA?

You dont need insurance the vehicle you drive needs it. If you own a motorcycle you will need insurance that covers any drivers of that motorcycle