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It depends on the policy provider but my Allstate Insurance covers licensed drivers who drive my vehicle with my permission. Mine also covers me when I drive an uninsured car.

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Q: If you have full coverage insurance and a person who is not on the policy gets into an accident what happens?
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What happens if the damages in an accident exceed the insurance coverage of the person at fault?

You need a life insurance policy to cover the risk of death and a health insurance policy as a cushion against hospitalisation expenses. Buy Personal Accident Insurance Coverage :

If you have full coverage insurance and a person who is not licensed gets into an accident in your vehicle can insurance cover your car damage?

Yes.Thats what full coverage covers

What kind of insurance pays for a car accident you are in if the other person involved has no insurance?

Uninsured motorist coverage

If you have a car accident in someone else's car and they have full coverage will that cover the damages to the car you hit?

Usually, if the driver had the owner's permission to drive. What happens if the car is owned by the person that has the accident but the insurance is in your name? However you no longer want to be in that relationship or to have to pay that insurance?

What coverage protects the person who was at fault in an accident against losses when someone is injured?

Liability insurance.

What Georgia car insurance is recommended for drivers with a DUI?

The minimum coverage for Georgia is $15000 per person/ $30000 per accident. The recommended coverage, however, is $100000 per person/ $300000 per accident.

What coverage protects a person who is at fault in an accident against lawsuits when someone is injured?

Liability and medical insurance.

What does it mean when someone is excluded from an auto insurance policy?

By excluding a person from an auto insurance policy, you are stating that the "excluded" person will not drive the insured vehicle, and that you understand that the "excluded" person is not covered by your insurance in the case of any traffic violation (accident, ticket, etc.). It means there is no coverage available to the excluded person in the case of an accident while driving the said vehicle. There will be NO COVERAGE.

What does stacked insurance mean in Florida?

Stacked coverage means that you may combine your coverage limits for each automobile insured under your policy. For example, if you insure three cars and obtain stacked coverage with limits of $10,000 per person and $20,000 per accident for each auto. Your stacked, or combined, coverage will total $30,000 per person and $60,000 per accident. If the coverage was unstacked, then the limit of coverage for each vehicle would be $10,000 per person and $20,000 per accident.Stacked Uninsured Motorist Insurance is the best type of UM insurance to protect you and your family. Here is how Uninsured Motorist insurance works. It will pay for your damages if you get in an accident with an at-fault driver who does not have ANY Bodily Injury Insurance, which is called an Uninsured Motorist

What is the difference between full coverage and third party auto insurance?

Third party insurance only covers the property of the other person(s) involved in an accident, not your car. Full coverage insurance (or comprehensive insurance) also covers your car if you damage it.

Can you collect claims from your insurance and the other person?

if your accident is severe enough and the other person is underinsured - then you could collect from their insurance (must be their policy limits) and your insurance under the "underinsured coverage" or UIM - Underinsured motorist

What do you do if you had an at fault accident but you have no insurance?

They can sue you. If you have no money in the bank or no assets (a home, vehicle, valuables), then it won't do the other person any good. It will be nearly impossible to get insurance now that you have an accident on your record without coverage (big no no). In the mean time, hopefully the other person has insurance to cover themselves against people who are uninsured in an accident.