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Liability insurance.

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Q: What coverage protects the person who was at fault in an accident against losses when someone is injured?
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Which of these protects a person who is at fault in an accident against lawsuits when someone is injured?

bodily injury liability coverage

What coverage protects a person who is at fault in an accident against lawsuits when someone is injured?

Liability and medical insurance.

What protects a person who is at fault in an accident against lawsuits when someone is injured?

In general terms, Auto Insurance. Where I live the coverage you are asking about is called Public Liability and Public Damage. P.L.P.D. for short. It is the minimum covereage required by Law in most places.

What kind of car insurance pays for your injuries when you're in an accident in your car?

Three types of auto insurance come to mind: medical payments (or personal injury protection), liability coverage and under/uninsured motorist coverage. Med Pay is coverage that protects the occupants of a car and pays medical bills up to the amount of the med pay policy limits. Liability coverage is the car insurance that pays on behalf of the at-fault driver. This coverage makes a lump sum payment to the injured person who is not at fault. UM coverage is owned by the injured person and pays them in cases where the at-fault driver does not have any insurance or does not have enough liability coverage.

What is quiz answers to Defensive driver school test?

The law that protects you when aiding the injured after a car accident is called the

Shopping For Pennsylvania Auto Insurance?

When shopping for auto insurance for a Pennsylvania driver, you'll want to first handle the minimum required basics for auto insurance coverage. In Pennsylvania, all owners of motor vehicles are required by law to purchase and maintain minimum automobile insurance. As a driver, a passenger, and a vehicle owner, you are legally liable if you cause an accident that results in injury, damage, or even death of other persons and their vehicles. It is first important to determine how much coverage you need. Pennsylvania requires drivers maintain the following minimum auto insurance liability coverage: $15,000 in bodily injury coverage for a single injured person, per accident $30,000 in bodily injury coverage for multiple injured persons, per accident variable property damage While higher limits are available, and in many cases necessary or recommended, the higher limits do mean that you'll pay a higher premium If you have assets to protect, such as land, or a home, or a boat, for example, you may want to pay for the higher limits in order to protect those assets in the case of an accident where the injured party or parties use up the minimum coverage payout amounts. Other optional coverage features for Pennsylvania auto insurance includes: Collision coverage. While the liability coverage you carry protects others you may hit, it pays nothing for damage done to your own vehicle. Collision coverage is typically subject to a deductible and often required coverage if your vehicle has a lien against it. Comprehensive coverage. This coverage protects you in the case your vehicle is stolen or damaged in a variety of unique ways, such as if your vehicle were to be hit while parked overnight on the street. Uninsured/under-insured motorist coverage. This coverage is for your own protection in case you are hit and injured and the responsible driver is unable to pay or has low insurance coverage and cannot pay what you need to fully recover or repair your vehicle. While widely considered an unfair necessity, most drivers opt to include this type of coverage on their vehicle for basic self protection.

Does auto insurance cover catastrophic engine failure?

No - auto insurance is not the same as a warranty. Insurance protects you against claims by other parties who may be injured by your bad driving, and, if you carry collision insurance, helps defray the cost of repairing your car after an accident.

Is this sentence correct My feet were injured in the accident?

'My feet were injured in the accident.' This sentence is correct.

What is PIP car insurance in Pennsylvania?

PIP is Personal Injury Protection. It pays for your medical bills if you are ever injured in an accident. In Pennsylvania, it is mandatory you have PIP coverage.

Can driver hold his insurance responsible for injury when car hydroplanes in bad rain?

This will depend on who is injured and what type of coverage you have. If you or your passengers are injured and you have basic liability coverage, then you have no coverage for the injuries. You have to purchase "medical payments" coverage to cover medical expenses for you and your passengers. This will also depend on your state and the mandated coverages in your state. Another coverage called PIP )Personal Injury Protection) also covers injuries, work loss, and death and disability for the driver and passengers no matter who is at fault. Georgia and other states did away with this coverage just to meet campaign promises of reducing the rates. Take away coverage and you will reduce rates. You hydroplaning on a wet road is your fault. This is plain and simple an at fault accident. The reason is that you were driving too fast for the conditions of the road. It is also a chargeable accident that can cause your insurance to go up slightly due to the points assigned for the at fault accident.

In Texas what boat operators required to do when involved in an accident?

Give assistance to any person injured in the accident.

Does Erie car insurance pay for short term disability?

Most auto insurance policies have an optional coverage called work loss coverage that will pay for some amount of temporary disability if you are injured in an auto accident and have chosen to purchase this option on your policy.