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The cheapest method for the insurance company to collect premium is to have it paid by EBT draft. For this reason it is passed on to the client and the cheapest payment method for the client will be monthly EBT Bank Draft. The most expensive is to mail the client a paper bill and wait for a paper check to be mailed back. Therefore it is the most expensive for the client as well. Most companies do the bank draft for free meaning they just divide the annual premium by twelve and that is what is drafted from your checking account. The mail a bill and mail payment back in is the most expensive so they take your annual premium ad divide by 12 and add a $6.00 fee for collecting the premium.

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Does the money you pay monthly on car insurance go toward your premium?

That is what you are paying monthly is your insurance premiums. You have a choice of payment plans that are best for you. You can pay it once a year or one a month.

How much is the average monthly car insurance premiums?

Car insurance premiums can differ based on a wide range of factors, being exceptionally expensive in cases involving expensive sports cars or with DUI offenses on record. The average monthly premium is $66.66 according to CompUQuotes.

What is a car insurance premium?

A car insurance premium is the amount of money paid to an insurance company for a 6 month period. It is cheaper to pay the full premium that pay each month.

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Gross Premium is the Total premium indicated to be charged.

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Car insurance grouping works by placing certain vehicles into a numerical group to determine the monthly premium. Groupings are based on factors like the cost of repairs, safety features, the price of the vehicle, and performance.

What is it called when you pay a monthly car insurance fee?

This would be financing your premium. Some companies have payments plans and sometimes you go through a premium finance company. Premium finance companies are generally used for larger premiums like commercial accounts.

What is the average premium for md car insurance?

In 2009 the average auto insurance premium for residents in Maryland is $2,295.

Difference between a deductible and a premium?

A premium is the amount of money you pay the auto/health insurance company monthly, quarterly, or biannually whether or not you get in an accident or go to the hospital. The higher your premium the lower your deductible, and the lower your premium the higher your deductible. A deductible is the amount of money after you get in a car accident or visit the hospital before your insurance company pays anything. After you have met your deductible the insurance company covers the rest of the expenses.

How can one figure out his or her monthly car insurance pay numbers?

You can figure out your monthly car insurance pay numbers by visiting your car insurance providers website. Once on the page, look for the FAQ in the support section.

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Can you be added to your parent's car insurance?

Yes, it is possible to be added to your parent's car insurance, but there may be an extra premium to be payed.