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Q: If you hit the garbage can with your car will the insurance company increase your premium?
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Related questions

If you have 2 points on your license for speeding in Ohio how much will Insurance increase your premium?

The increase in your insurance payments vary from company to company. Call your insurance agent, they can give you an estimate.

Can insurance company increase your premiums retroactive?

No, Insurance Company cannot increase premiums retroactive. It has to declare before hand from which date the increased rate of premium would be operational.

Does having three accidents mean your insurance will be canceled?

No, the insurance company will not cancel your insurance for having three accidents, but they will increase your insurance premium.

How much would your insurance premium increase if your insurance company says you are 100 percent at fault in CA?

YOur broker should answer that for you - they would contact the company on your behalf to find out.

Can your insurance company raise your premium after you report a loss?

Insurance companies are not allowed to raise your premium if you onoy reported ONE loss but keep in mind that they can always use other reasons such as an across the board premium increase.

What is the title of a person in an insurance company who calculates the premium?

An Actuary is the person in an insurance company who calculates the premium

Will your premiums increase with no-fault insurance if someone hits you when your car is parked?

The insurance company has no reason to raise your premium, the situation was completely out of your hands.

Is it illegal to increase auto insurance premiums without notification to the insured?

Looking for answers to illegal increase in insurance premium by local company. Are there legal procedures that must be followed before an increase is allowed? Need answers a.s.a.p. MVJB

What do you call the payment of the insurance company?


What is premium loading in insurance?

Premium loading is an amount an insurance company adds to the basic premium to cover the expense of securing and maintaining the business.

Can an insurance company charge inflation rates?

Insurance company have premium rates, Not inflation rates.

Does insurance premium mean monthly?

No. The premium is the price you pay for the coverage. Depending on your insurance company, the premium may be paid all at once or in payments.