No, Insurance Company cannot increase premiums retroactive. It has to declare before hand from which date the increased rate of premium would be operational.
Seek an Attorney.
The insurance company has no reason to raise your premium, the situation was completely out of your hands.
When the insurance company finds out about it, possibly. I imagine that it depends on your insurance company, but I'd say yes.
It will usually increase your premiums if your insurance company finds out about. Sometimes your current company will not run your motor vehicle record but sometimes they will.
Looking for answers to illegal increase in insurance premium by local company. Are there legal procedures that must be followed before an increase is allowed? Need answers a.s.a.p. MVJB
You can find information of life insurance premiums, and what their purposes are by asking your current insurance company provider for information on it.
You pay premiums because insurance companies are a business and they are there to make a profit. Also, the premiums you pay go into a pool of money so the insurance company can pay out claims when necessary.
1. It could Impact on Reinsurance : Most of the domestical insurance company have international Reinsurance therefore is results to an increase in premiums = High premiums for short term clients. Ta. Ratz
If you increase your deductible you are therefore retaining more of the risk upon yourself and therefore the insurance company will reduce your premiums.
Buying insurance can be a stressful activity. Comparing premiums is a great start to finding what is the righ company for you. The Hartford has much higher premiums compared to both State Farm and AAA. This is based on car insurance figures.
You can pay your insurance premiums in many ways. Usually, you can pay it with a company plan (if you work), through cash, or credit card.