If you increase your deductible you are therefore retaining more of the risk upon yourself and therefore the insurance company will reduce your premiums.
If a deductible is lowered the premium usually goes up
The premium will generally increase.
Depending on your driving record, there may be little change in your rate, however when you do utilize your insurer for a claim, you'll pay less out-of-pocket. If that is the only thing changing, decreasing the deductible will increase the premium. They have other expenses to service your policy, so the calculation isn't this simple, but if the insurance company's statistics predict you will submit 1 claim for $1000 damage every ten years, theoreticly they could give you free insurance if you selected a $1000 deductible since they would expect no payouts. If you lowered the deductible to $500, then they would expect to pay $500 sometime in the next ten years and would want a premium of $50 a year. If a deductible is lowered the premium usually goes up
Your premium usually will go down a couple of dollars if you raise the deductible. EX. My deductible was $500 for collision and I changed it to $250. My premium went up $24 every six months. So basically your not going to save that much by increasing your deductible. Unless you have a very bad driving record.
yes a higher deductible means a lower premium.
Your premium is pretty much your monthly bill, after deciding what type of deductible you plan on choosing. The higher deductible the lower your premium will be.
The deductible at the time of the accident not the time of claim.
A premium is the amount of money you pay the auto/health insurance company monthly, quarterly, or biannually whether or not you get in an accident or go to the hospital. The higher your premium the lower your deductible, and the lower your premium the higher your deductible. A deductible is the amount of money after you get in a car accident or visit the hospital before your insurance company pays anything. After you have met your deductible the insurance company covers the rest of the expenses.
The premium is what you pay for the policy. The deductible is what the insurance company will not pay for what is covered. For example you buy a car policy for collision. You pay the premium of $50. If you crash the car, the company will not pay any thing less than the deductible. If the deductible was $1000 and you sustained $1500 damage, the company would pay you $500. If the damage was less than the deductible, you get nothing.
Having a high deductible will not cause your insurance premium to be higher.
The age to rent a car without paying a premium should be lowered to 21.
Well the higher your deductible, the lower your insurance premium will be. However, your deductible should be something you can afford in case of a loss.