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Well the higher your deductible, the lower your insurance premium will be. However, your deductible should be something you can afford in case of a loss.

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Q: What should your Deductible for car insurance be?
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If your car was hit while parked do you have to pay the deductible for the repair?

This would be dependent on the insurance you have. If you know who hit your car and have all of the pertinent information, you probably should not have to pay the deductible. If you don't know who hit your car, and your state and/or you do not have waiver of deductible insurance, then you would have to pay the deductible.

Does your auto insurance deductible cover your car and the car that you hit in an accident?

You do not pay a deductible for the car that you hit. Your liability coverage does not have a deductible.

Is there a deductible on liability car insurance?


What is the normal deductible for bodily injury liability car insurance?

The deductible for bodily injury liability car insurance depends upon what you select. The deductible portion is not covered by the insurance policy and thus high deductible policies have a lower premium. Car insurance requirements also vary from state to state.

If a truckdriver hits a car who pays the deductible the driver or the owner of the truck?

THE POLICY HOLDER, WHO IS USUALLY THE OWNER OF THE TRUCK IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEDUCTIBLE. If the truck driver is fully responsble for the accident, his insurance should pay for the damages to the car and there would be no deductible. If the car owner went through his coverage first to get repairs done, then the car owner is responsible for the deductible. Then the car owners insurance would go through subrugation to the truck drivers insurance to get full payment of the loss. When that is completed, the car owner would get his deductible returned to him.

Should a deductible be paid for husbands parked car that was hit by wifes car as she was backing up?

Any time there's a claim which will be paid by the Insurance co, a deductible is paid by the insured.

If you allowed a friend to drive your car and he totaled it but his insurance company subtracted 500 from the check for the deductible why do you pay for his deductible?

Because this was an at-fault incident, the 500.00 deductible is your responsibility. You as the owner of the vehicle allowed your friend to drive the car to begin with. Your friend in all fairness should pay you the 500 dollars. Why is your friend's insurance paying you? Your own comprehensive/collision policy should pay you (less the deductible) and then "subrogate" the claim to your friend's auto or general liability insurance or sue him directly if he has no insurance and send you the deductible after they have collected.

What if you don't have the deductible for your car insurance. What can be done?

The insurer can issue payment minus your deductible.

If you hit another car in parking lot do you pay there deductible?

If you hit the car (i.e., you're liable for the accident), the other driver shouldn't have a deductible - your liability insurance should pay the entire claim.

Can i just pay my deductible if the other party's car insurance is paying the whole thing?

The deductible applies only to your insurance policy so you can not.

How do you know when you will receive an insurance check for your car?

What you should do if you are having your vehicle repaired is to endorse the insurance check to the body shop and write another check for your deductible and pick up your car.

What if someone is driving your car and they get into an accident and do not have car insurance?

Do you have car insurance? Yours will cover it. Your friend if he is a true friend, will cover the deductible.