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Q: Is there a deductible on liability car insurance?
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Does your auto insurance deductible cover your car and the car that you hit in an accident?

You do not pay a deductible for the car that you hit. Your liability coverage does not have a deductible.

What is the normal deductible for bodily injury liability car insurance?

The deductible for bodily injury liability car insurance depends upon what you select. The deductible portion is not covered by the insurance policy and thus high deductible policies have a lower premium. Car insurance requirements also vary from state to state.

If you get into an accident and the other driver is at fault and your car is totaled of course his insurance will pay but if they pay the deductible who gets it?

There is no deductible for liability claims.

Is there a deductible on liability insurance?

usually not

In a two car accident who is responsible for the deductible?

If you are going through your own insurance, you are responsible for your collision deductible. If the other person is at fault, you can go through their insurance under their liability coverage so you do not have to pay a deductible.

Who pays the deductible when the other person is at fault?

There is not deductible with liability insurance coverage. Liability pays the party who is not fault for their damages without a deductible. If you were at fault collision would pay for damages to your vehicle but you will have a deductible of whatever you selected when you purchased the insurance policy.

If you hit another car in parking lot do you pay there deductible?

If you hit the car (i.e., you're liable for the accident), the other driver shouldn't have a deductible - your liability insurance should pay the entire claim.

If you hit a parked car and the damage is over your deductible how does that work?

If you hit a parked car, the deductible applies to your vehicle, not the parked car. The other vehicle is covered by your liability coverage and there is no deductible attached. You pay the deductible on the repairs to your vehicle, usually to the shop after the work is completed, the insurance company handles the balance directly.

What is included in a basic insurance package from Infinity Car Insurance?

Infinity Car insurance has a basic car insurance package which would include your basic liability coverage and a small deductible. You may want to contact them for further information on the rates, terms, etc.

Can you get your deductible back when your auto insurance is subrogating?

Yes. In many cases your insurance company may waive your deductible if the third party's insurance company accepts liability.

Do you need a car to get liability insurance?

Automobile Liability insurance, YES. Liability insurance, NO. There are many kinds of liability insurance.

How much is the deductible on liability coverage for Hartford Insurance?

There is a very minimal deductible of only one hundred dollars for the liability coverage for Hartford Insurance. There are also certain circumstances where one can waive the decuctible also.