Because this was an at-fault incident, the 500.00 deductible is your responsibility. You as the owner of the vehicle allowed your friend to drive the car to begin with. Your friend in all fairness should pay you the 500 dollars. Why is your friend's insurance paying you? Your own comprehensive/collision policy should pay you (less the deductible) and then "subrogate" the claim to your friend's auto or general liability insurance or sue him directly if he has no insurance and send you the deductible after they have collected.
Yes. The insurance company will pay their portion of the claim which does not include the deductible because that is your portion .
Yes. In many cases your insurance company may waive your deductible if the third party's insurance company accepts liability.
1) The term used to describe a sum of money payable by the claimant of an insurance policy prior to the insurance company paying anything. 2) Any sum of money being subtracted from a larger sum.
The average deductible varies depending on your company. However, on average, the deductible is about $1000.
I assume you mean how does the deductible work. When you file a claim on any insurance, the insurance company will take out the deductible before it issues the payment to you. In many states the banks are protected and the check has to be made out to you and the mortgagee company.
it depends on the company
An insurance deductible is a set amount of money that the insured is required to pay before the insurance company starts to pay. For instance, if your deductible for the year is $100.00, and your first insurance bill is $150.00 , they will only pay $50 and you will have to pay $100 (deductible). Every insurance bill after that will be paid for by the insurance company until the end of the year and then the cycle starts again. The deductible is your responsibility.
A premium is the amount of money you pay the auto/health insurance company monthly, quarterly, or biannually whether or not you get in an accident or go to the hospital. The higher your premium the lower your deductible, and the lower your premium the higher your deductible. A deductible is the amount of money after you get in a car accident or visit the hospital before your insurance company pays anything. After you have met your deductible the insurance company covers the rest of the expenses.
A deductible is your "skin in the game" so to speak. A way of reducing insurance premiums is to increase you're deductible, thereby reducing the risk of the insurance company. If you had an insured loss of $1000 and you had a deductible of $250, you would be paid $750 by your insurance carrier.
Yes. That is part of your claim against them. However, if you filed with your insurance company, you gave up your right to pursue them for damages. Generally speaking, your insurance company will pursue the other party's insurance company and if the other company pays, that payme usually includes your deductible.
A low deductible insurance policy simply means that, a low deductible, possibly $200 as compared to $2,000 which would be a high deductible. Often you are also given the option of choosing 80, 90 or 100% co-insurance. Co-insurance is the amount that the insurance company pays (after deductible) up to whatever is the maximum out of pocket amount.
A deductible, or insurance deductible, is an amount of money the first of which the insurance company will not pay towards the cost of the loss suffered. For example, a $500 deductible means that the insurance company will not pay the first $500 of a loss. Deductibles are made for the purposes of keeping the costs of insurance down by making the insured pay a certain amount of money and not make a claim towards minor losses. If the accident is the other person's fault, either their insurance company will pay that deductible or you can sue them in court.