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Yes. That is part of your claim against them. However, if you filed with your insurance company, you gave up your right to pursue them for damages. Generally speaking, your insurance company will pursue the other party's insurance company and if the other company pays, that payme usually includes your deductible.

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Q: Can the other persons insurance cover your deductible?
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If you are at fault in an auto accident do you have to pay the other persons deductible and my vehicle had already been damaged?

No. They are responsible for their own deductible. Because, when my van got hit, which was parked, I had to pay my deductible before the insurance company would cover it!

Are you responsible for the deductible on the insurance of the car you hit if you do not have insurance?

If you were legally at fault, you are responsible to pay all damages to other vehicle. Even if you pay the other persons deductible, that insurance co. will come after you for total amount. The person that you gave the money to for their deductible will then have to give some of that back to insurance co., if they find out that deductible was given to him (her) by you.

What does 40 coinsurance after deductible mean in terms of my insurance coverage?

A 40 coinsurance after deductible means that after you have paid your deductible amount, you will be responsible for paying 40 of the remaining covered expenses, while your insurance will cover the other 60.

If you are at fault in an auto accident do you have to pay the other persons deductible?

No, you have to pay your deductible.

What is the meaning of 40 coinsurance after deductible?

40 coinsurance after deductible means that after you have paid your deductible amount, you are responsible for paying 40 of the remaining costs for covered services, while your insurance company will cover the other 60.

Does homeowners cover damage to another persons vehichle from tree limbs?

If you were negligent in the maintenance of the tree, e.g., knew the limbs posed a danger, they would cover the damage. Other than that they may pay up to the person's comprehensive deductible; the limit is usually $500 or $1000. Have that other person report it to his/her auto insurance and let both insurance companies sort it out.

In Georgia if a deer hits your vehicle do you have to pay the deductible?

Yes, if you want to turn it into your insurance, you will be required to pay the deductible before they will cover the other costs of the damage. If another person hits your car, you would not have to pay your deductible.

What does it mean when it says 40 coinsurance after deductible?

When it says 40 coinsurance after deductible, it means that after you have paid your deductible amount, you will be responsible for paying 40 of the remaining costs for covered services, while your insurance will cover the other 60.

What kind of insurance is tax deductible?

Insurance for one's personal property such as auto or homeowner's insurance is tax deductible. Other tax deductible insurances are medical and dental insurances.

If your car is hit by an unattended shopping cart at the mall would your insurance cover it?

Usally, subject to your Comprehensive or Other Than Collision deductible.

Are there policies or companies that cover anyone driving your vehicle?

If you have insurance on your car, and someone else is driving it, and has an accident your insurance rate will go up but it will cover the damages to the other persons vehicle.

If you have PLPD or no fault insurance and you hit someone from behind and their car is fine and yours is not will your car insurance cover it?

No. PL & PD cover injury and damage you do to other persons and their property. Collision and Comprehensive cover your vehicle.